Pixel Drawing
The Assignment is a Sandbox game where you can draw anything in the grid that you think of. You will be writing the ability to save the game to a file and reload the game from that file.
This Assignment will focus on:
- FileIO
- Loops and conditionals
- Controlling values of Arrays
This assignment uses the BRIDGES game API, implementing the class NonBlockingGame.
The user interacts with the gameboard in the following ways
- Arrow keys for moving the cursor around the game board
- Space key for drawing the color where the cursor is
- Q key for changing the color the user is drawing with
- S key for saving the game board to a file
- D key for loading the game board from a file
- Save the state of the board to a file
- Load the state of the board from the same file

Methods and Documentation To Help
Variables and Classes
NamedColor // Used for drawing colors on board
- GameLoop() // loops once per tick, for as long as the game runs
- Start() // Starts game, calls Initialize
Java Documentation
NonBlockingGames Documentation
NamedColor Documentation
C++ Documentation
NonBlockingGames Documentation
NamedColor Documentation
Python Documentation
NonBlockingGames Documentation
NamedColor Documentation