BRIDGES(Python): Using Google Colaboratory

Step 1: Using Google Colaboratory Hello World with Google Colab
Step 2: Create Bridges Account
  • Visit the Bridges main page and create yourself an account by clicking the login button on the top navigation bar. Please ensure that your user id is devoid of spaces, as it will be used as part of the web link for your projects. After creating your account, click on your profile name in the upper right corner to view your profile. Once in your profile, you will see your API Key; you will need this API key in every BRIDGES program you write.
Step Three: Install Bridges packages
  • Create a new notebook and run the command !pip install bridges in the first code block.
Install BRIDGES in Google Colab
Step 4: Load and run an example BRIDGES program
  • Create a new code block by clicking + Code.
  • Copy / Paste the code for the Singly Linked List Tutorial into the new code block.
  • Set an assignment number and your credentials in the line that creates the Bridges object at the beginning of the program.
  • When you run the program, you will see a link printed on the console. Click that link to visualize the output.
Bridges Demo Program