Bridges-C++  3.4.4
Bridges(C++ API)
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #ifndef OSM_DATA
3 #define OSM_DATA
5 #include <math.h>
6 #include <cmath>
8 #include <algorithm>
10 //should be defined in math.h but VS2017 has a weird behavior here.
11 #ifndef M_PI
12 #define M_PI 3.1415926535897
13 #endif
15 #include <GraphAdjList.h>
17 #include "OSMVertex.h"
18 #include "OSMEdge.h"
20 namespace bridges {
21  namespace dataset {
22  using namespace bridges::datastructure;
38  class OSMData {
39  private:
41  bool debug() const {
42  return false;
43  }
45  string name = "";
46  // data range
47  double latitude_range[2] = {0.0, 0.0},
48  longitude_range[2] = {0.0, 0.0};
49  double cartesian_range_x[2] = {0.0, 0.0},
50  cartesian_range_y[2] = {0.0, 0.0};
51  // vertices
52  vector<OSMVertex> vertices;
53  // edges
54  vector<OSMEdge> edges;
56  static double degreeToRadians(double deg) {
57  return deg * M_PI / 180.;
58  }
60  void recomputeCartesianRange() {
61  cartesian_range_x[0] = 1000000.;
62  cartesian_range_x[1] = -1000000.;
63  cartesian_range_y[0] = 1000000.;
64  cartesian_range_y[1] = -1000000.;
66  OSMVertex v1 (0, latitude_range[0], longitude_range[0]);
67  OSMVertex v2 (1, latitude_range[1], longitude_range[1]);
68  OSMVertex v3 (2, latitude_range[0], longitude_range[1]);
69  OSMVertex v4 (3, latitude_range[1], longitude_range[0]);
71  //the cartesian range will always come from one of the extremities
72  double coords[2];
73  v1.getCartesianCoords(coords);
75  cartesian_range_x[0] = (std::min)(cartesian_range_x[0], coords[0]);
76  cartesian_range_x[1] = (std::max)(cartesian_range_x[1], coords[0]);
77  cartesian_range_y[0] = (std::min)(cartesian_range_y[0], coords[1]);
78  cartesian_range_y[1] = (std::max)(cartesian_range_y[1], coords[1]);
80  v2.getCartesianCoords(coords);
82  cartesian_range_x[0] = (std::min)(cartesian_range_x[0], coords[0]);
83  cartesian_range_x[1] = (std::max)(cartesian_range_x[1], coords[0]);
84  cartesian_range_y[0] = (std::min)(cartesian_range_y[0], coords[1]);
85  cartesian_range_y[1] = (std::max)(cartesian_range_y[1], coords[1]);
87  v3.getCartesianCoords(coords);
89  cartesian_range_x[0] = (std::min)(cartesian_range_x[0], coords[0]);
90  cartesian_range_x[1] = (std::max)(cartesian_range_x[1], coords[0]);
91  cartesian_range_y[0] = (std::min)(cartesian_range_y[0], coords[1]);
92  cartesian_range_y[1] = (std::max)(cartesian_range_y[1], coords[1]);
94  v4.getCartesianCoords(coords);
96  cartesian_range_x[0] = (std::min)(cartesian_range_x[0], coords[0]);
97  cartesian_range_x[1] = (std::max)(cartesian_range_x[1], coords[0]);
98  cartesian_range_y[0] = (std::min)(cartesian_range_y[0], coords[1]);
99  cartesian_range_y[1] = (std::max)(cartesian_range_y[1], coords[1]);
101  }
103  public:
111  void setLatLongRange (double *lat_range, double *longit_range) {
112  latitude_range[0] = lat_range[0];
113  latitude_range[1] = lat_range[1];
114  longitude_range[0] = longit_range[0];
115  longitude_range[1] = longit_range[1];
116  recomputeCartesianRange();
117  }
124  void setLatLongRange (double lat_min, double lat_max,
125  double long_min, double long_max) {
126  latitude_range[0] = lat_min;
127  latitude_range[1] = lat_max;
128  longitude_range[0] = long_min;
129  longitude_range[1] = long_max;
130  recomputeCartesianRange();
131  }
147  // vector<OSMVertex> vertices = osm_data->getVertices();
148  // vector<OSMEdge> edges = osm_data->getEdges();
150  int k = 0;
151  double coords[2];
153  double xrange[2], yrange[2];
154  this->getCartesianCoordsRange(xrange, yrange);
155  if (debug()) {
156  cout << "Range(Cartesian):" << xrange[0] << "," << xrange[1] <<
157  yrange[0] << "," << yrange[1] << endl;
158  }
160  double ll[2], ur[2];
161  // translation
162  double tx = xrange[0];
163  double ty = yrange[0];
165  // scale factor -- assume a display of 1000 pixels wide
166  double sx = 1000. / (xrange[1] - xrange[0]);
167  double sy = 1000. / (yrange[1] - yrange[0]);
169  if (debug()) {
170  cout << "Translate:" << tx << "," << ty << endl;
171  cout << "Scale:" << sx << "," << sy << endl;
172  }
174  std::unordered_map<OSMVertex::OSMVertexID, int> vert_map;
176  k = 0;
177  for (int k = 0; k < vertices.size(); k++) {
178  // Preventing multiple vertex inclusion.
179  // Not sure why that would happen, but being safe.
180  if (vert_map.find(vertices[k].getVertexID()) == vert_map.end()) {
182  vert_map[vertices[k].getVertexID()] = k;
183  gr->addVertex(k, vertices[k]);
185  vertices[k].getCartesianCoords(coords);
186  //coords[1] = yrange[1] - (coords[1] - yrange[0]);
187  //double x = (coords[0]-tx)*sx, y = (coords[1]-ty)*sy;
188  double x = coords[0];
189  double y = coords[1];
190  gr->getVertex(k)->getVisualizer()->setLocation( x, y);
191  gr->getVertex(k)->getVisualizer()->setColor(Color("green"));
192  }
193  }
194  for (int k = 0; k < edges.size(); k++) {
195  // std::cout<<edges[k].getEdgeLength()<<std::endl;
197  gr->addEdge(vert_map[edges[k].getSourceVertex()], vert_map[edges[k].getDestinationVertex()],
198  edges[k].getEdgeLength() );
199  }
201  if (debug()) {
202  cout << "Num vertices, Edges: " << vertices.size() << "," << edges.size() << endl;
203  }
205  }
208  }
215  const string& getName() const {
216  return name;
217  }
224  void setName(const string& n) {
225  name = n;
226  }
234  void getLatLongRange (double *lat_range, double *longit_range) const {
235  lat_range[0] = latitude_range[0];
236  lat_range[1] = latitude_range[1];
237  longit_range[0] = longitude_range[0];
238  longit_range[1] = longitude_range[1];
239  }
246  void getCartesianCoordsRange (double *xrange, double *yrange) const {
247  xrange[0] = cartesian_range_x[0];
248  xrange[1] = cartesian_range_x[1];
249  yrange[0] = cartesian_range_y[0];
250  yrange[1] = cartesian_range_y[1];
251  }
259  const vector<OSMVertex>& getVertices () const {
260  return vertices;
261  }
269  void setVertices (const vector<OSMVertex>& verts) {
270  vertices = verts;
271  // update the ranges for lat/long and cartesian equivalent
272  latitude_range[0] = 1000000.;
273  latitude_range[1] = -1000000.;
274  longitude_range[0] = 1000000.;
275  longitude_range[1] = -1000000.;
276  double lat, longit, cart_coords[2];
277  for (auto& v : vertices) {
278  lat = v.getLatitude();
279  longit = v.getLongitude();
280  latitude_range[0] = (std::min)(latitude_range[0], lat); //The parenthesis around std::min are needed to workaround a VS2017 bug
282  latitude_range[1] = (std::max)(latitude_range[0], lat);
283  longitude_range[0] = (std::min)(longitude_range[1], longit);
284  longitude_range[1] = (std::max)(longitude_range[1], longit);
285  }
286  recomputeCartesianRange();
287  }
296  const vector<OSMEdge>& getEdges () const {
297  return edges;
298  }
307  void setEdges (const vector<OSMEdge>& e) {
308  edges = e;
309  }
317  static void toCartesianCoords(double lat, double longit, double *coords) {
318  const double R = 6378.; // Radius of the earth in km
319  double lat_rad = degreeToRadians(lat);
320  double longit_rad = degreeToRadians(longit);
321  coords[0] = R * cos(lat_rad) * cos (longit_rad);
322  coords[1] = R * cos(lat_rad) * sin (longit_rad);
323  }
324  };
325  }
326 } // end namespace bridges
328 #endif
#define M_PI
Definition: OSMData.h:12
Class that hold Open Street Map Data.
Definition: OSMData.h:38
const vector< OSMVertex > & getVertices() const
Definition: OSMData.h:259
void setEdges(const vector< OSMEdge > &e)
set edges
Definition: OSMData.h:307
const string & getName() const
get the name of the dataset
Definition: OSMData.h:215
void getGraph(GraphAdjList< int, OSMVertex, double > *gr) const
Definition: OSMData.h:146
static void toCartesianCoords(double lat, double longit, double *coords)
Definition: OSMData.h:317
Definition: OSMData.h:207
void setVertices(const vector< OSMVertex > &verts)
replace the vertices stored by this new set.
Definition: OSMData.h:269
void getCartesianCoordsRange(double *xrange, double *yrange) const
get the range of dataset in Cartesian coords
Definition: OSMData.h:246
void setName(const string &n)
change the name of the dataset
Definition: OSMData.h:224
void setLatLongRange(double lat_min, double lat_max, double long_min, double long_max)
set the range of the dataset
Definition: OSMData.h:124
void setLatLongRange(double *lat_range, double *longit_range)
set the latitude and longitude range of the dataset
Definition: OSMData.h:111
void getLatLongRange(double *lat_range, double *longit_range) const
Definition: OSMData.h:234
const vector< OSMEdge > & getEdges() const
get edges.
Definition: OSMData.h:296
Class that hold Open Street Map vertices.
Definition: OSMVertex.h:33
void getCartesianCoords(double *coords) const
Definition: OSMVertex.h:123
This class represents Color, and supports rgba, hexadecimal and named color values.
Definition: Color.h:50
ElementVisualizer * getVisualizer()
Get the element visualizer object.
Definition: Element.h:141
void setColor(const Color &col)
Set the color to "col".
Definition: ElementVisualizer.h:94
void setLocation(const double &locX, const double &locY)
Definition: ElementVisualizer.h:157
This class provides methods to represent adjacency list based graphs.
Definition: GraphAdjList.h:110
void addVertex(const K &k, const E1 &e=E1())
Adds a vertex to the graph.
Definition: GraphAdjList.h:175
void addEdge(const K &src, const K &dest, const E2 &data=E2())
Definition: GraphAdjList.h:198
const Element< E1 > * getVertex(const K &key) const
Return the vertex corresponding to a key.
Definition: GraphAdjList.h:405
Definition: Array.h:9
these methods convert byte arrays in to base64 codes and are used in BRIDGES to represent the color a...
Definition: alltypes.h:4