Assignment 12 - A* Maze


This is a nifty assignment from 2008 proposed by Don Blaheta. Source

Learning Outcomes

  1. Stacks
  2. Queues
  3. Shortest Path
  4. Graphing


The purpose of this assignment is to learn to

  1. Generate a random maze on a 2D Grid
  2. Write the A* algorithm for traversing a grid
  3. Display the algorithm at each step to the grid as it traverses the maze



Create the maze

There are plenty of algorithms for generating a maze. Prims algorithms is a good place to start. Then create a grid to display the maze and keep track of the open positions and walls on the grid.

Create the pathfinder

Create a pathfinder that uses the A* algorithm to traverse the grid towards a goal point.



For Java

AStar Explanation(Geeks for Geeks


Maze Algorithms(Wikipedia)

For C++

NonBlockingGame documentation

For Python

NonBlockingGame documentation