Assignment 12 - A* Maze
This is a nifty assignment from 2008 proposed by Don Blaheta.
Learning Outcomes
- Stacks
- Queues
- Shortest Path
- Graphing
The purpose of this assignment is to learn to
- Generate a random maze on a 2D Grid
- Write the A* algorithm for traversing a grid
- Display the algorithm at each step to the grid as it traverses the maze
- Create a maze on a 2D grid. There are many maze algorithms
- Write a pathfinder using the A* algorithm to traverse the 2D grid
- Choose two points on opposite sides of the grid and use the pathfinder get from point a to b.
- During each step in the algorithm color in the pathfinder's current position
- After the goal is reached pop back and display the full path.
Create the maze
There are plenty of algorithms for generating a maze. Prims algorithms is a good place to start. Then create a grid to display the maze and keep track of the open positions and walls on the grid.
Create the pathfinder
Create a pathfinder that uses the A* algorithm to traverse the grid towards a goal point.
For Java
AStar Explanation(Geeks for Geeks
Maze Algorithms(Wikipedia)
For C++
NonBlockingGame documentation
For Python
NonBlockingGame documentation