Assignment 20 - Minesweeper Game
Example Output
Learning Outcomes
- Loops
- 2D Arrays
- Recursion
The purpose of this assignment is to learn to
- How to maintain states of multiple 2D arrays.
- Test conditions between multiple arrays.
- Improve efficiency in using loops and switch statements.
- Initialize a 2D array the size of your game grid.
- Initialize the NamedColors of your mines, the layer covering the mines, the players carrot.
- Create an input handling function that read keypress events so that the players carrot moves around the screen.
- Add additional input to allow the player to select or flag a tile.
- Add conditions for a tile selection that contains a bomb or does not.
- If there is no bomb the game of minesweeper generally reveals some of the spaces around the empty space that was selected.
- Add a replay and a quit button.
More Details to Get You Started
Key Press Events - NonBlocking Games
- keyUp()
- keyDown()
- keyLeft()
- keyRight()
- keyQ()
- keySpace()
- keyW()
- keyS()
- keyA()
- keyD()
Key Press Events - Blocking Games
- getKeyPress(); Returns a string.
- "ArrowLeft"
- "ArrowRight"
- "ArrowUp"
- "ArrowDown"
- "w"
- "s"
- "a"
- "d"
- etc...
Variables, Colors, and Sprite Symbols
- NamedSymbol.symbolname;
- NamedColor.colorname;
- drawSymbol(column, row, NamedSymbol, NamedColor);
- setBGColor(column, row, NamedColor);
Important Functions
- The gameLoop() function loops until the game is over.
- quit() stops the game.
- start() starts the game and calls the initialize() function once before it starts the gameLoop() function.
- render() sends your updated game grid to the server once. This is a blocking game function.
For Java
NonBlockingGame documentation
For C++
NonBlockingGame documentation
For Python
NonBlockingGame documentation