Assignment 31 - Temporal Page Rank

This assignment is a more advanced version of Bacon Number



  1. Construct a GraphAdjList using wikidata.
  2. Organize the data by page rank using PageRankBenchmark.
  3. Visualize wikidata using Bridges.


  1. Get the Movie Actor data for year interval from wikidata using the Bridges API: DataSource.getWikidataActorMovie()
  2. Construct a graph where vertices are Movie and Actors, and there is an edge between a movie and an actor if the actor played in the movie.
  3. Calculate the page rank of the data


For C++

Bridges documentation

PageRankBenchmark documentation

LineChart documentation

For Java

Bridges documentation

PageRankBenchmark documentation

LineChart documentation

For Python

Bridges documentation

LineChart documentation