Assignment 32 - Tic Tac Toe
The purpose of the assignment is to learn to
- Create games using
- Manage a datastructure of values.
Programming part
- Initialize a 3x3 empty board to
- Display numbers on each square from 1 in the top left to 9 in the bottom right.
- Take user input from the console about the location of their next move (1-9).
- Validate the user input is inside boundaries, is an integer, and is a valid space.
- Place the users mark on the space.
- Check for a win codition with 3 in a row of the same mark.
- Go to the next player and repeat from taking user input.
To start simple initialize a grid which is 3 by 3. Display the numbers 1-9 in the grid like the following.
1 | 2 | 3
--- | --- | ---
4 | 5 | 6
7 | 8 | 9
User Input
Take an integer input from the user that matches the above grid (1-9). If the input is invalid display a message to the player and
skip their turn. Otherwise place a mark on the position the player specified. Use a different mark for each player.
For C++
NonBlockingGame documentation
For Python
NonBlockingGame documentation