Connect Four
The purpose of this assignment is to learn to
- Use booleans to create a 2-player game.
- Use loops, 2D arrays, and conditional statements to drop pieces onto the grid and check if four of the same color have connected.
- Initialize a 2D array the size of your game grid
- Determine which player will go first
- Create a function that uses keypress events to move the game piece around
- Create a function that handles player turns
- Create functions that check for the win condition
- Create a win condition
- Create a tie condition
- Correctly handle edge cases
More Details to Get You Started
Key Press Events - NonBlocking Games
- keyUp()
- keyDown()
- keyLeft()
- keyRight()
Variables, Colors, and Sprite Symbols
- NamedSymbol.symbolname;
- NamedColor.colorname;
- drawSymbol(column, row, NamedSymbol, NamedColor);
- setBGColor(column, row, NamedColor);
Important Functions
- The gameLoop() function loops until the win condition has been met (or there is a tie).
- quit() stops the game
- start() starts the game and calls the initalize function once before starting the gameLoop()
NonBlocking Games Documentation
NamedColor Documentation
NamedSymbol Documentation
NonBlocking Games Documentation
NamedColor Documentation
NamedSymbol Documentation
NonBlocking Games Documentation
NamedColor Documentation
NamedSymbol Documentation