Graph different subreddits usage per hour for a day!



Students will write code to itterate over a collection of Reddit posts. Their code will count the number of posts in each hour

Example Output

Reddit Dataset with all data

This is using all the data provided, notice how cluttered it is. You can choose to use specific subreddits by limiting the array, rather then the full dataset.



  1. Populate xValues array with hours 0-24 in a day (24 Time format)
  2. Create a for loop to iterate over reddit array.
  3. Get the hours from each post given
  4. Convert unix time into hours using language specific
  5. Get the hours from each post given
  6. Increase the value of the (hour) slot of the array by one for each post


Reddit dataset tutorial

For C++

C++ Reddit Class

For Java

Java Reddit Class Documentation

Calender class documentation

For Python

Python Reddit Class Documentation

Python Datetime Documentation