Assignment 84 - SETUP
Learning Outcomes
Visualize Data in the form of a Bar Chart
The purpose of this assignment is to
- Teach students how to use the Bridges BarChart Data Structure to display data
- Learn How to parse Csv data
- Learn How to use HashMap's to store data.
You will generate a visualization that looks like the figure above.
Visualize Energy Consumption per Capita for 5 Countries of your choice that Exist in the given CSV file.
- Implement the given function to Parse the Energy Data for 5 countries
- Store them in their respective key,value pairs for a Hashmap
- Pass Data to the BarChart Object and Lable the Title,X/Y Axis's'
- Hint: Use Vectors for C++. Array's for Java & and Python'
for Java
BarChart Class
for C++
BarChart Class
For Python
BarChar Class