BRIDGES(C++):Getting Started

Step 1: Install Eclipse/CDT
  • If you do not have Eclipse installed, download it from the Eclipse site and install it on your computer.
  • Open up Eclipse, you will next add the C/C++ development tools; for this go to Help-->Install New Software menu item.
  • Select "All Available Sites" and go to the item `Programming Languages' in the list.
  • Select the C/C++ development tools you need, and install.
  • Verify installation: Restart Eclipse. In File-->New menu, you should see C++ Project as an item.
Step 2: Create Bridges Account Visit the Bridges main page and create yourself an account by clicking the login button on the top navigation bar. Please ensure that your user id is devoid of spaces, as it will be used as part of the web link for your projects. After creating your account, click on your profile name in the upper right corner to view your profile. Once in your profile, you will see your API Key; you will need this API key later in the tutorial(as well as in every BRIDGES program you write). NOTE: Make sure to remember your password. There is no password recovery option(for now), and you can only have one account per email address.
Step 3: Download the Bridges C++ template files, Install CURL library
  • Download the Bridges C++ class files from these links( [Linux], [MacOS X -- Intel x64], [MacOS X -- Arm 64] ). Save this in a convenient folder. You will need this later.
  • BRIDGES uses the CURL library for communicating with the web server, and posting assignments. Download CURL from this link and install the library in a convenient location
Step 4: Create a C++ Project
  • File-->New-->C++ Project
  • Follow the menus, specify a Project Name and create an Empty Project
Step 5: Type or paste in a Bridges example program
  • Create a new source file BridgesHW-->New-->File
  • Give it a file name and copy/paste/type in your Bridges program; here a doubly linked list example is shown.
  • In the Bridges::initialize() line, you will need to replace the arguments with your Bridges user id and API key (that you got in Step 2).
Step 6: Project Settings
  • Click on the Project and open up the Properties (last item).
  • Open C/C++ Build-->Settings
  • Click on Includes under GCC C++ Compiler.
    • Click the + symbol on the top right and add the include path for the Bridges Template files( refer to Step 3 - you must enter a directory path to those files. For instance, if your curl library is installed at /usr/local/curl750, then you will enter `/usr/local/curl750/include' (without the quotes). Click the 'Apply' button to save.
    • Hit the Libraries button; On the top panel add the curl library, by adding in 'curl'
    • On the bottom panel, add the library path; For instance, if your curl library is installed at /usr/local/curl750, then enter `/usr/local/curl750/lib' (without the quotes). Click the 'Apply' button to save.
    • Click the 'Dialect' button under GCC C++ Compiler, and select the 'ISO C++ 11' option for the Language Standard (not illustrated on the figure). Click the 'Apply' button to save.
    • Click on 'Includes', 'Libraries' and 'Dialect' to ensure all the settings are right.
    • Click 'Ok' to save all these settings.
Step 7: Run Configurations
  • We next need to set up 'Run' configurations. We will illustrated this for a 'Debug' configuration.
  • Click on 'Run-->Run Configurations'.
  • Create a new configuration by right clicking on C/C++ Application and selecting `New'.
  • Give a name for the configuration. Select Debug/BridgesHW (must be in Debug/ folder) for the application name and select the Debug configuration for the `Build configuration'. Save and close.
  • You can add this configuration to your Favorites(under the green 'Run' arrow button on the middle panel.
Step 8: Run the program
  • Please ensure that you have the BRIDGES credentials in your Bridges::initialize () call (at the top of the source file.
  • If everything is all right your program should compile and link and you should see a web link on the console.
  • For instance, it will look something like
Step 8: Visualize
  • Paste the link into your browser to see the doubly linked list.
  • If you see the visualization, you are done with your first BRIDGES program. Congratulations!
  • YOu should be able to move the visualization with your left button, click and pull the nodes, see the labels on mouse over, etc.