BRIDGES(Python): Getting Started(Setup)

Step 1a: Install PyCharm Step 1b: (Optional) Install Pip Step 1b: (Optional) Install through Zip Step 2: Create Bridges Account
Step 3: Creating Project
  • Click Create New project
Step 3b: Creating Project
  • Name your project HelloWorld create a new enviornment using virtualenv
Step 3c: Creating Project.
  • Choose a location for the virtual environment
  • Choose the base interpreter for project - Python 3.*
  • *Note, your location and base interpreter path will be different*
  • Uncheck Inherit global variables and Check Make available for all projects.
  • *Note, If you installed Bridges through the Zip file, Check Inherit global variables.
  • Click create at the bottom right corner.
Step 4a: Installing Bridges (Skip to step 4c if using Zip file)
  • Go to Project Settings -> Project Interpreter -> +/install
Step 4b: Installing Bridges
  • Type in at the top Bridges
  • Select Bridges on the left side
  • Click Install Package
Step 4c: Verification
  • To verify that you have successfully installed Bridges, look under the External Libraries section of your project and expand the python interpreter.
  • If you have a Project in PyCharm named 'HelloWorld', and the expanded python interpreter/site-packages has the Bridges folder, you have completed the setup and are ready to build the Hello World class!

BRIDGES:Getting Started(Your First Bridges Program)

Step 1a: Create a new File
  • Create a new class within your project
  • File-->New-->Python File
Step 1b: Create a new File
  • Name the file HelloWorld
Step 2: Now build the Bridges Program to illustrate a singly linked list
  • First import the relevant Bridges classes
    from bridges.bridges import *
    from bridges.sl_element import *
  • Create the bridges object with your API Key and User ID.
    bridges = Bridges(0, "YOUR_USER_ID", "YOUR_API_KEY")
  • Create two singly-linked elements. Singly-linked elements can be linked together to create a linked-list structure.
    sle0 = SLelement("Hello", "")
    sle1 = SLelement("World", "")
  • Link the elements
  • Set visual attributes of the elements
  • Pass the handle of your data structure (reference to the first element) of your data structure
  • Visualize the data structure
  • To summarize, your should look like this:
from bridges.bridges import *
from bridges.sl_element import *

class HelloWorld:

         #create the Bridges object

         bridges = Bridges(0, "YOUR_USER_ID", "YOUR_API_KEY")

         #create two singly-linked elements
         sle0 = SLelement("Hello", "")
         sle1 = SLelement("World", "")

         # create a singly-linked list
         # by adding sle1 as sle0's next element

         #edit some visual properties of the two elements

        #pass the first element of the list

         # visualize the list

Step 3: Running your Bridges program
  • Once your code is in, run your project
  • Run-->Run
  • Run --> HelloWorld
Step 4: Visualize your data structure
  • If your code compiles correctly, the Eclipse console will give you a link to the Bridges website. to view the visualization. Copy/paste this link into your favorite browser to view a visualization of the data structure you just created.