Bridges-C++  3.4.5-dev1-6-g935685a
Bridges(C++ API)
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #ifndef DATA_SOURCE_H
2 #define DATA_SOURCE_H
4 #include <vector>
5 #include <string>
6 #include <unordered_map>
7 #include <set>
9 using namespace std;
11 #include <JSONutil.h>
13 #include "./data_src/Game.h"
14 #include "./data_src/Shakespeare.h"
18 #include "./data_src/Song.h"
20 #include "./data_src/OSMData.h"
21 #include "./data_src/OSMVertex.h"
22 #include "./data_src/OSMEdge.h"
24 #include "./data_src/Amenity.h"
25 #include "./data_src/Reddit.h"
26 #include "./data_src/City.h"
27 #include "./data_src/USState.h"
28 #include "./data_src/USCounty.h"
29 #include "ColorGrid.h"
30 #include "base64.h"
31 #include <GraphAdjList.h>
32 #include <ServerComm.h>
33 #include <Bridges.h>
34 #include "rapidjson/document.h"
35 #include "assert.h"
36 #include "rapidjson/error/en.h"
37 #include <fstream>
38 #include <sys/types.h>
39 #include <sys/stat.h>
40 #include <stdio.h>
42 #include <Cache.h>
44 namespace bridges {
45  using namespace bridges::dataset;
46  using namespace bridges::datastructure;
64  class DataSource {
66  private:
68  bool debug_flag = false;
70  int debug() const {
71  return debug_flag;
72  }
74  void set_debug_flag() {
75  debug_flag = true;
76  }
78  bridges::Bridges* bridges_inst;
79  bridges::lruCache my_cache;
81  string getOSMBaseURL() const {
82  if (sourceType == "local")
83  return "http://localhost:3000/";
85  return "";
86  }
87  string getElevationBaseURL() const {
88  if (sourceType == "local")
89  return "http://localhost:3000/";
91  return "";
92  }
93  string getGutenbergBaseURL() const {
94  if (sourceType == "local")
95  return "http://localhost:3000/";
97  if (sourceType == "testing")
98  return "";
100  return "";
101  }
102  string getRedditURL() {
103  if (sourceType == "testing")
104  return "";
105  else if (sourceType == "local")
106  return "http://localhost:9999";
107  else
108  return "";
109  }
111  string sourceType = "live";
113  string getUSCitiesURL() {
114  return "";
115  }
117  string getWorldCitiesURL() {
118  return "";
119  }
121  string getUSStateCountiesURL() {
122  return "";
123  }
125  void defaultDebug() {
126  char* force = getenv("FORCE_BRIDGES_DATADEBUG");
127  if (force != nullptr)
128  set_debug_flag();
130  }
132  public:
134  : bridges_inst(br), my_cache(120) {
135  defaultDebug();
136  }
139  : DataSource(&br) {
140  defaultDebug();
141  }
150  void setSourceType(string type) {
151  if ( !((type == "live") || (type == "testing") || (type == "local")))
152  throw "Incorrect data server type. Must be live, testing or local";
153  if ((type == "testing") || (type == "local"))
154  debug_flag = true;
156  sourceType = type;
157  }
181  vector<City> getUSCities (unordered_map<string, string> params) {
182  // check the parameters for illegal keys
183  // get the legal keys into a set
184  set<string> keys;
185  keys.insert("city");
186  keys.insert("state");
187  keys.insert("country");
188  keys.insert("min_elev");
189  keys.insert("max_elev");
190  keys.insert("min_pop");
191  keys.insert("max_pop");
192  keys.insert("min_long");
193  keys.insert("max_long");
194  keys.insert("min_lat");
195  keys.insert("max_lat");
196  keys.insert("limit");
197  keys.insert("time_zone");
199  unordered_map<string, string>::iterator it;
200  for (it = params.begin(); it != params.end(); it++) {
201  if (keys.find(it->first) == keys.end())
202  throw std::invalid_argument ("\n\nKey value : " + it->first +
203  " incorrect\n\n Legal key values: \n 'city', 'state', 'country', 'min_lat', 'max_lat', 'min_long', 'max_long', 'min_pop', 'max_pop', 'time_zone', 'limit' ");
204  }
206  string url = getUSCitiesURL() + "?";
207  if (params.find("city") != params.end())
208  url += "city=" + params["city"] + "&";
209  if (params.find("state") != params.end())
210  url += "state=" + params["state"] + "&";
211  if (params.find("country") != params.end())
212  url += "country=" + params["country"] + "&";
213  if (params.find("min_lat") != params.end())
214  url += "minLat=" + params["min_lat"] + "&";
215  if (params.find("max_lat") != params.end())
216  url += "maxLat=" + params["max_lat"] + "&";
217  if (params.find("min_long") != params.end())
218  url += "minLong=" + params["min_long"] + "&";
219  if (params.find("max_long") != params.end())
220  url += "maxLong=" + params["max_long"] + "&";
221  if (params.find("min_elev") != params.end())
222  url += "minElevation=" + params["min_elev"] + "&";
223  if (params.find("max_elev") != params.end())
224  url += "maxElevation=" + params["max_elev"] + "&";
225  if (params.find("min_pop") != params.end())
226  url += "minPopulation=" + params["min_pop"] + "&";
227  if (params.find("maxPopulation") != params.end())
228  url += "max_pop=" + params["max_pop"] + "&";
229  if (params.find("limit") != params.end())
230  url += "limit=" + params["limit"] + "&";
232  // remove the last &
233  url = url.substr(0, url.length() - 1);
235  // make the request
236  using namespace rapidjson;
237  Document doc;
238  doc.Parse(
239  ServerComm::makeRequest(url, {"Accept: application/json"}).c_str()
240  );
242  // parse the json
243  const Value& city_json = doc["data"];
244  vector<City> us_cities;
245  for (SizeType i = 0; i < city_json.Size(); i++) {
246  const Value& val = city_json[i];
247  us_cities.push_back (
248  City(
249  val["city"].GetString(),
250  val["state"].GetString(),
251  val["country"].GetString(),
252  val["timezone"].GetString(),
253  val["elevation"].GetInt(),
254  val["population"].GetInt(),
255  val["lat"].GetDouble(),
256  val["lon"].GetDouble()
257  ));
258  }
260  return us_cities;
261  }
284  /*
285  vector<City> getWorldCities (unordered_map<string, string> params) {
286  string url = getWorldCitiesURL() + "?";
287  if (params.find("city") != params.end())
288  url += "city=" + params["city"] + "&";
289  if (params.find("state") != params.end())
290  url += "state=" + params["state"] + "&";
291  if (params.find("country") != params.end())
292  url += "country=" + params["country"] + "&";
293  if (params.find("min_pop") != params.end())
294  url += "minPopulation=" + params["min_pop"] + "&";
295  if (params.find("maxPopulation") != params.end())
296  url += "max_pop=" + params["max_pop"] + "&";
297  if (params.find("min_lat_long") != params.end())
298  url += "minLatLong=" + params["minll"][0] + "," +
299  params["minll"][1] + "&";
300  if (params.find("max_lat_long") != params.end())
301  url += "maxLatLong=" + params["maxll"][0] + "," +
302  params["maxll"][1] + "&";
303  if (params.find("min_elev") != params.end())
304  url += "minElevation=" + params["min_elev"] + "&";
305  if (params.find("max_elev") != params.end())
306  url += "maxElevation=" + params["max_elev"] + "&";
307  if (params.find("limit") != params.end())
308  url += "limit=" + params["limit"] + "&";
310  // remove the last &
311  url = url.substr(0, url.length() - 1);
313  // make the request
314  using namespace rapidjson;
315  Document doc;
316  doc.Parse(
317  ServerComm::makeRequest(url, {"Accept: application/json"}).c_str()
318  );
319  // parse the json
320  const Value& city_json = doc["data"];
321  vector<City> world_cities;
322  for (SizeType i = 0; i < city_json.Size(); i++) {
323  const Value& val = city_json[i];
324  _cities.push_back (
325  City(
326  val["city"].GetString(),
327  val["state"].GetString(),
328  val["country"].GetString(),
329  val["timezone"].GetString(),
330  val["elevation"].GetInt(),
331  val["population"].GetInt(),
332  val["lat"].GetDouble(),
333  val["lon"].GetDouble()
334  ));
335  }
336  return world_cities;
337  }
338  */
340  // list of all states
341  const vector<string> all_states = {"Alabama", "Alaska", "Arizona", "Arkansas", "California", "Colorado", "Connecticut", "Delaware", "Florida", "Georgia", "Hawaii", "Idaho", "Illinois", "Indiana", "Iowa", "Kansas", "Kentucky", "Louisiana", "Maine", "Maryland", "Massachusetts", "Michigan", "Minnesota", "Mississippi", "Missouri", "Montana", "Nebraska", "Nevada", "New Hampshire", "New Jersey", "New Mexico", "New York", "North Carolina", "North Dakota", "Ohio", "Oklahoma", "Oregon", "Pennsylvania", "Rhode Island", "South Carolina", "South Dakota", "Tennessee", "Texas", "Utah", "Vermont", "Virginia", "Washington", "West Virginia", "Wisconsin", "Wyoming"};
349  vector<USState> getUSMapData () {
350  return getUSMapCountyData(all_states, false);
351  }
360  vector<USState> getUSMapCountyData () {
361  return getUSMapCountyData(all_states, true);
362  }
372  vector<USState> getUSMapCountyData (vector<string> state_names,
373  bool view_counties = true) {
375  // form the http query
376  string url = getUSStateCountiesURL();
377  for (auto& k : state_names)
378  url += ServerComm::encodeURLPart(k) + ',';
380  // remove the last comma
381  url = url.substr(0, url.size() - 1);
383  if (debug())
384  std::cerr << "Hitting: " << url << std::endl;
386  // make the request
387  using namespace rapidjson;
388  Document doc;
389  doc.Parse(
390  ServerComm::makeRequest(url, {"Accept: application/json"}).c_str()
391  );
393  // iterate through the states to parse and store in
394  // the State and County objects
395  vector<USState> states;
396  const Value& state_data = doc["data"];
397  for (SizeType i = 0; i < state_names.size(); i++) {
398  const Value& st = state_data[i];
399  const Value& county_data = st["counties"];
400  const Value& st_name = st["_id"]["input"];
402  // create the state object and add it to a list
403  states.push_back(USState(st_name.GetString()));
404  unordered_map<string, USCounty> counties = states[i].getCounties();
406  states[i].setViewCountiesFlag(view_counties);
408  // get county data
409  if (view_counties) {
410  for (SizeType j = 0; j < county_data.Size(); j++) {
411  const Value& val = county_data[j];
412  // get its geoid
413  string geoid = (val["properties"]["GEOID"]).GetString();
414  counties[geoid] = USCounty(geoid,
415  (val["properties"]["FIPS_CODE"]).GetString(),
416  (val["properties"]["COUNTY_STATE_CODE"]).GetString(),
417  (val["properties"]["COUNTY_STATE_NAME"]).GetString()
418  );
419  }
420  }
422  // add the county list to the state
423  states[i].setCounties(counties);
424  }
425  return states;
426  }
440  vector<Game> getGameData() {
441  using namespace rapidjson;
442  Document d;
444  // request the game dataset and parse it
445  d.Parse(
446  ServerComm::makeRequest("",
447  {"Accept: application/json"}).c_str());
449  const Value& D = d["data"];
450  vector<Game> wrapper;
451  for (SizeType i = 0; i < D.Size(); i++) {
452  const Value& V = D[i];
453  const Value& G = V["genre"];
455  vector<string> genre;
456  for (SizeType j = 0; j < G.Size(); j++) {
457  genre.push_back(G[j].GetString());
458  }
459  wrapper.push_back(
460  Game( V["game"].GetString(),
461  V["platform"].GetString(),
462  V["rating"].GetDouble(),
463  genre ) );
464  }
465  return wrapper;
466  }
478  vector<ActorMovieIMDB> getActorMovieIMDBData(int number = 0) {
479  using namespace rapidjson;
480  Document d;
481  vector<ActorMovieIMDB> wrapper;
482  string url = "" +
483  to_string(number);
485  // retrieve the data and parse
486  d.Parse(ServerComm::makeRequest( url, {"Accept: application/json"}).c_str());
488  const Value& D = d["data"];
489  for (SizeType i = 0; i < D.Size(); i++) {
490  const Value& V = D[i];
491  wrapper.push_back(
493  V["actor"].GetString(),
494  V["movie"].GetString()
495  )
496  );
497  }
498  return wrapper;
499  }
511  vector<ActorMovieIMDB> getActorMovieIMDBData2() {
512  using namespace rapidjson;
513  Document d;
514  vector<ActorMovieIMDB> wrapper;
515  string url = "";
517  // retrieve the data and parse
518  d.Parse(ServerComm::makeRequest( url, {"Accept: application/json"}).c_str());
520  const Value& D = d["data"];
521  for (SizeType i = 0; i < D.Size(); i++) {
522  const Value& V = D[i];
523  string actor = V["actor"].GetString();
524  string movie = V["movie"].GetString();
525  double rating = V["rating"].GetDouble();
526  const Value& G = V["genres"];
527  vector<string> genres;
528  for (SizeType j = 0; j < G.Size(); j++) {
529  genres.push_back(G[j].GetString());
530  }
531  wrapper.push_back(ActorMovieIMDB( actor, movie, (float)rating, genres));
532  }
533  return wrapper;
534  }
547  vector<EarthquakeUSGS> getEarthquakeUSGSData(int number = 0) {
548  using namespace rapidjson;
549  Document d;
550  vector<EarthquakeUSGS> wrapper;
551  if (number <= 0) {
552  d.Parse(ServerComm::makeRequest( "",
553  {"Accept: application/json"}).c_str());
554  for (SizeType i = 0; i < d.Size(); i++) {
555  const Value& V = d[i]["properties"];
556  const Value& G = d[i]["geometry"]["coordinates"];
557  wrapper.push_back(
559  V["mag"].GetDouble(),
560  G[0].GetDouble(),
561  G[1].GetDouble(),
562  V["place"].GetString(),
563  V["title"].GetString(),
564  V["url"].GetString(),
565  V["time"].GetString() )
566  );
567  }
568  }
569  else {
570  d.Parse(ServerComm::makeRequest( "" +
571  to_string(number), {"Accept: application/json"}).c_str());
573  const Value& D = d["Earthquakes"];
574  for (SizeType i = 0; i < D.Size(); i++) {
575  const Value& V = D[i]["properties"];
576  const Value& G = D[i]["geometry"]["coordinates"];
577  // wrapper.push_back({V["mag"].GetDouble(),G[0].GetDouble(),G[1].GetDouble(),V["place"].GetString(),V["title"].GetString(),V["url"].GetString(),V["time"].GetString()});
578  wrapper.push_back(
580  V["mag"].GetDouble(),
581  G[0].GetDouble(),
582  G[1].GetDouble(),
583  V["place"].GetString(),
584  V["title"].GetString(),
585  V["url"].GetString(),
586  V["time"].GetString() )
587  );
588  }
589  }
590  return wrapper;
591  }
607  vector<Shakespeare> getShakespeareData(string type = "",
608  bool textonly = false) {
609  using namespace rapidjson;
610  Document d;
611  vector<Shakespeare> wrapper;
613  string url = "";
615  if (type == "plays" || type == "poems")
616  url += "/" + type;
617  if (textonly) {
618  url += "?format=simple";
619  }
620  // retrieve the data and parse
621  d.Parse(ServerComm::makeRequest( url, {"Accept: application/json"}).c_str());
623  const Value& D = d["data"];
624  for (SizeType i = 0; i < D.Size(); i++) {
625  const Value& V = D[i];
626  wrapper.push_back(
627  Shakespeare(
628  V["title"].GetString(),
629  V["type"].GetString(),
630  V["text"].GetString()
631  )
632  );
634  }
635  return wrapper;
636  }
656  Song getSong(string songTitle, string artistName = "") {
657  using namespace rapidjson;
659  Document d;
660  vector<Song> wrapper;
661  string url = "";
662  // retrieve the data and parse
663  if (songTitle.size() > 0)
664  url += songTitle;
665  else {
666  throw "Incorrect use of getSong. songTitle should be given.";
667  }
669  if (artistName.size() > 0)
670  url += "?artistName=" + artistName;
672  // check for spaces in url and replace them by '%20'
673  //TODO should use curl to do that
674  string::size_type n = 0;
675  while ( (n = url.find(" ", n)) != string::npos) {
676  url.replace(n, 1, "%20");
677  n++;
678  }
679  if (debug())
680  std::cerr << "url: " << url << "\n";
681  d.Parse(ServerComm::makeRequest( url, {"Accept: application/json"}).c_str());
683  string artist = (d.HasMember("artist")) ?
684  d["artist"].GetString() : string();
685  string song = (d.HasMember("song")) ?
686  d["song"].GetString() : string();
687  string album = (d.HasMember("album")) ?
688  d["album"].GetString() : string();
689  string lyrics = (d.HasMember("lyrics")) ?
690  d["lyrics"].GetString() : string();
691  string release_date = (d.HasMember("release_date")) ?
692  d["release_date"].GetString() : string();
694  return Song (artist, song, album, lyrics, release_date);
695  }
711  vector<Song> getSongData() {
712  using namespace rapidjson;
714  Document d;
715  vector<Song> all_songs;
717  string url = "";
718  // retrieve the data and parse
720  d.Parse(ServerComm::makeRequest( url, {"Accept: application/json"}).c_str());
722  const Value& D = d["data"];
724  // get the songs and put them into a vector
725  for (SizeType i = 0; i < D.Size(); i++) {
726  const Value& v = D[i];
728  //cout << v["artist"].GetString() << endl;
729  string artist = (v.HasMember("artist")) ? v["artist"].GetString() : string();
730  string song = (v.HasMember("song")) ? v["song"].GetString() : string();
731  string album = (v.HasMember("album")) ? v["album"].GetString() : string();
732  string lyrics = (v.HasMember("lyrics")) ? v["lyrics"].GetString() : string();
733  string release_date = (v.HasMember("release_date")) ?
734  v["release_date"].GetString() : string();
735  all_songs.push_back( Song ( artist, song, album, lyrics, release_date) );
737  }
738  return all_songs;
739  }
751  private:
753  GutenbergBook getAGutenbergBookMetaData(const rapidjson::Value& V) {
754  using namespace rapidjson;
756  const string s_id = V["id"].GetString();
758  const int id = std::stoi(s_id);
760  string title = V["title"].GetString();
762  const Value& A = V["authors"];
763  vector<string> authors;
764  for (SizeType j = 0; j < A.Size(); j++)
765  authors.push_back(A[j].GetString());
767  const Value& L = V["lang"];
768  string lang = L.GetString();
770  const Value& da = V["date_added"];
771  string data_added = da.GetString();
773  const Value& G = V["genres"];
774  vector<string> genres;
775  for (SizeType j = 0; j < G.Size(); j++)
776  genres.push_back(G[j].GetString());
778  GutenbergBook gbook = GutenbergBook(title, id, authors, lang, genres, data_added);
780  return gbook;
781  }
783  public:
797  using namespace rapidjson;
799  // get the query string to get meta data of book
800  string url = getGutenbergBaseURL() + "/meta?id=" + std::to_string(id);
802  // make the query
803  Document d;
804  d.Parse(ServerComm::makeRequest( url, {"Accept: application/json"}).c_str());
805  // only 1 book
806  return getAGutenbergBookMetaData(d["book_list"][0]);
807  }
818  vector<GutenbergBook> getGutenbergBookMetaData(string term, string category) {
819  using namespace rapidjson;
821  // get the query string to get meta data of book
822  string url = getGutenbergBaseURL() + "/search?search=" +
823  ServerComm::encodeURLPart(term) + "&type="
824  + ServerComm::encodeURLPart(category);
825  // make the query
826  cout << url << endl;
827  Document d;
828  d.Parse(ServerComm::makeRequest(url, {"Accept: application/json"}).c_str());
830  vector<GutenbergBook> book_list;
831  int size = d["book_list"].Size();
833  book_list.clear();
834  for (int k = 0; k < size; k++)
835  book_list.push_back(getAGutenbergBookMetaData(d["book_list"][k]));
837  return book_list;
838  }
847  string getGutenbergBookText(int id = 0) {
848  using namespace rapidjson;
850  //URL for data request
851  string data_url = getGutenbergBaseURL() + "/book?id=" + std::to_string(id);
853  // generate the hash code - use the id
854  string hash_value = "gutenberg" + std::to_string(id);
856  // get the dataset from cache, else from the server
857  string book_data = getDataSetJSON(data_url, hash_value, "gutenberg");
858  // parse, and get the book text
859  Document d;
860  d.Parse(book_data.c_str());
862  string s = std::to_string(id);
863  return d[s.c_str()].GetString();
864  }
872  vector<CancerIncidence> getCancerIncidenceData(int num = 0) {
873  using namespace rapidjson;
875  Document d;
876  vector<CancerIncidence> wrapper;
877  string url = "";
878  if (num > 0) {
879  url += "?limit=" + to_string(num);
880  }
882  d.Parse(ServerComm::makeRequest( url, {"Accept: application/json"}).c_str());
884  // get the JSON dataset
885  const Value& D = d["data"];
887  CancerIncidence c;
888  for (SizeType i = 0; i < D.Size(); i++) {
889  const Value& v = D[i];
890  const Value& age = v["Age"];
892  c.setAgeAdjustedRate( age["Age Adjusted Rate"].GetDouble());
893  c.setAgeAdjustedCI_Lower(age["Age Adjusted CI Lower"].GetDouble());
894  c.setAgeAdjustedCI_Upper(age["Age Adjusted CI Upper"].GetDouble());
896  c.setYear(v["Year"].GetInt());
898  const Value& data = v["Data"];
899  c.setCrudeRate(data["Crude Rate"].GetDouble());
900  c.setCrudeRate_CI_Lower(data["Crude CI Lower"].GetDouble());
901  c.setCrudeRate_CI_Upper(data["Crude CI Upper"].GetDouble());
902  c.setRace(data["Race"].GetString());
903  c.setPopulation(data["Population"].GetInt());
904  c.setEventType(data["Event Type"].GetString());
905  c.setCount(data["Count"].GetInt());
907  c.setAffectedArea(v["Area"].GetString());
909  const Value& loc = v["loc"];
910  c.setLocationX(loc[0].GetDouble());
911  c.setLocationY(loc[1].GetDouble());
913  wrapper.push_back(c);
914  }
915  return wrapper;
916  }
924  private:
925  OSMData getOSMDataFromJSON (const string& osm_json) {
926  using namespace rapidjson;
928  Document osm_data;
930  osm_data.Parse(osm_json.c_str());
932  // create an osm data object
933  OSMData osm;
935  if (osm_data.HasMember("nodes")) {
936  vector<OSMVertex> vertices;
937  Value& nodes = osm_data["nodes"];
939  vector<long> vertex_ids;
940  // get the vertices
941  for (SizeType i = 0; i < nodes.Size(); i++) {
942  const Value& node = nodes[i];
943  OSMVertex::OSMVertexID id = node[0].GetInt64();
945  vertex_ids.push_back(id);
946  double lat = node[1].GetDouble(), longit = node[2].GetDouble();
947  vertices.push_back(OSMVertex(id, lat, longit));
948  }
949  osm.setVertices(vertices);
950  }
951  // add vertices to object
952  // get the edges
954  if (osm_data.HasMember("edges")) {
955  vector<OSMEdge> edges;
956  Value& links = osm_data["edges"];
958  for (SizeType i = 0; i < links.Size(); i++) {
959  const Value& link = links[i];
960  OSMVertex::OSMVertexID id1 = link[0].GetInt64();
961  OSMVertex::OSMVertexID id2 = link[1].GetInt64();
962  double dist = link[2].GetDouble();
964  edges.push_back(OSMEdge(id1, id2, dist));
965  }
966  osm.setEdges(edges);
967  }
968  // add edges to object
970  if (osm_data.HasMember("meta")) {
971  // get lat long range
972  Value& meta = osm_data["meta"];
973  double lat_min = meta["lat_min"].GetDouble();
974  double lat_max = meta["lat_max"].GetDouble();
975  double longit_min = meta["lon_min"].GetDouble();
976  double longit_max = meta["lon_max"].GetDouble();
977  osm.setLatLongRange(lat_min, lat_max, longit_min, longit_max);
978  // get dataset name
979  osm.setName(meta["name"].GetString());
980  }
981  return osm;
982  }
984  public:
1008  OSMData getOSMData (double lat_min, double long_min,
1009  double lat_max, double long_max, string level = "default") {
1011  //URL for hash request
1012  string hash_url = getOSMBaseURL() +
1013  "hash?minLon=" + std::to_string(long_min) +
1014  "&minLat=" + std::to_string(lat_min) +
1015  "&maxLon=" + std::to_string(long_max) +
1016  "&maxLat=" + std::to_string(lat_max) +
1017  "&level=" + ServerComm::encodeURLPart(level);
1019  //URL to request map
1020  string osm_url =
1021  getOSMBaseURL() + "coords?minLon=" + std::to_string(long_min) +
1022  "&minLat=" + std::to_string(lat_min) +
1023  "&maxLon=" + std::to_string(long_max) +
1024  "&maxLat=" + std::to_string(lat_max) +
1025  "&level=" + ServerComm::encodeURLPart(level);
1027  // get the data set from the server or, if available, from
1028  // a local cache
1029  string osm_json = getDataSetJSON(osm_url, hash_url, "osm");
1031  //tries to get hash value for bounding box map
1032  return getOSMDataFromJSON(osm_json);
1033  }
1049  vector<Amenity> getAmenityData(double minLat, double minLon, double
1050  maxLat, double maxLon, std::string amenity) {
1052  std::string amenity_url = getOSMBaseURL() + "amenity?minLon=" +
1053  ServerComm::encodeURLPart(std::to_string(minLon)) +
1054  "&minLat=" + ServerComm::encodeURLPart(std::to_string(minLat)) +
1055  "&maxLon=" + ServerComm::encodeURLPart(std::to_string(maxLon)) +
1056  "&maxLat=" + ServerComm::encodeURLPart(std::to_string(maxLat)) +
1057  "&amenity=" + ServerComm::encodeURLPart(amenity);
1059  std::string hash_url = getOSMBaseURL() + "hash?minLon=" +
1060  ServerComm::encodeURLPart(std::to_string(minLon)) +
1061  "&minLat=" + ServerComm::encodeURLPart(std::to_string(minLat)) +
1062  "&maxLon=" + ServerComm::encodeURLPart(std::to_string(maxLon)) +
1063  "&maxLat=" + ServerComm::encodeURLPart(std::to_string(maxLat)) +
1064  "&amenity=" + ServerComm::encodeURLPart(amenity);
1066  // make the query to the server to get a JSON of the amenities
1067  // implements caching to keep local copies
1068  string amenity_json = getDataSetJSON(amenity_url, hash_url, "amenity");
1070  // parse the data and return amenity objects
1071  return parseAmenityData (amenity_json);
1072  }
1085  vector<Amenity> getAmenityData(const std::string& location,
1086  const std::string& amenity) {
1087  std::string amenity_url = getOSMBaseURL() + "amenity?location=" +
1088  ServerComm::encodeURLPart(location) +
1089  "&amenity=" + ServerComm::encodeURLPart(amenity);
1091  std::string hash_url = getOSMBaseURL() + "hash?location=" +
1092  ServerComm::encodeURLPart(location) +
1093  "&amenity=" + ServerComm::encodeURLPart(amenity);
1095  // make the query to the server to get a JSON of the amenities
1096  // implements caching to keep local copies
1097  string amenity_json = getDataSetJSON(amenity_url, hash_url, "amenity");
1099  // parse the data and return amenity objects
1100  return parseAmenityData (amenity_json);
1101  }
1115  vector<Amenity> parseAmenityData(string amenity_json) {
1116  using namespace rapidjson;
1118  vector<Amenity> amenities;
1119  Document amenity_content;
1121  amenity_content.Parse(amenity_json.c_str());
1122  if (amenity_content.HasMember("nodes")) {
1123  const Value& nodes = amenity_content["nodes"];
1124  if (amenity_content.HasMember("meta")) {
1125  const Value& meta = amenity_content["meta"];
1127  // first get the meta data
1128  // amenities.setCount(meta["count"].GetInt64());
1129  // amenities.setMinLat(meta["minlat"].GetDouble());
1130  // amenities.setMinLon(meta["minlon"].GetDouble());
1131  // amenities.setMaxLat(meta["maxlat"].GetDouble());
1132  // amenities.setMaxLon(meta["maxlon"].GetDouble());
1134  Amenity amen;
1135  for (SizeType i = 0; i < nodes.Size(); i++) {
1136  // get amenity data
1137  const Value& node = nodes[i];
1138  amen.setId(node[0].GetInt64());
1139  amen.setLat(node[1].GetDouble());
1140  amen.setLon(node[2].GetDouble());
1141  amen.setName(node[3].GetString());
1143  // add to the list
1144  amenities.push_back(amen);
1145  }
1146  }
1147  else {
1148  cout << "meta data not found!\n";
1149  throw;
1150  }
1151  }
1152  else {
1153  cout << "nodes data not found!\n";
1154  throw;
1155  }
1156  return amenities;
1157  }
1178  OSMData getOSMData (string location, string level = "default") {
1179  //URL for hash request
1180  string hash_url = getOSMBaseURL() + "hash?location=" +
1181  ServerComm::encodeURLPart(location) +
1182  "&level=" + ServerComm::encodeURLPart(level);
1184  //URL to request map
1185  string osm_url = getOSMBaseURL() +
1186  "loc?location=" + ServerComm::encodeURLPart(location) +
1187  "&level=" + ServerComm::encodeURLPart(level);
1189  // get the data set from the server or, if available, from
1190  // a local cache
1191  string osm_json = getDataSetJSON(osm_url, hash_url, "osm");
1193  return getOSMDataFromJSON(osm_json);
1194  }
1212  const std::string& user,
1213  int assignment,
1214  int subassignment = 0) {
1218  std::string s = this->getAssignment(user, assignment, subassignment);
1220  rapidjson::Document doc;
1221  doc.Parse(s.c_str());
1222  if (doc.HasParseError())
1223  throw "Malformed JSON";
1225  //Access doc["assignmentJSON"]
1226  const auto& assjson = doc.FindMember("assignmentJSON");
1228  if (assjson == doc.MemberEnd())
1229  throw "Malformed GraphAdjacencyList JSON: no assignmentJSON";
1231  //Access doc["assignmentJSON"]["data"]
1232  const auto& dataArray = assjson->value.FindMember("data");
1234  if (dataArray == assjson->value.MemberEnd()
1235  || dataArray->value.IsArray() == false)
1236  throw "Malformed GraphAdjacencyList JSON: No data";
1238  const auto& data = dataArray->value.GetArray()[0];
1240  //Access doc["assignmentJSON"]["data"][0]["visual"]
1241  const auto& dataVisual = data.FindMember("visual");
1243  if (dataVisual == data.MemberEnd() ||
1244  dataVisual->value.IsString() == false)
1245  throw "Malformed GraphAdjacencyList JSON";
1247  std::string assignment_type = dataVisual->value.GetString();
1249  if (assignment_type != "GraphAdjacencyList")
1250  throw "Malformed GraphAdjacencyList JSON: Not a GraphAdjacencyList";
1252  //reconstructing vertices out of nodes, and using the optional "name" as the data associated
1253  {
1254  const auto& nodes = data.FindMember("nodes");
1255  if (nodes == data.MemberEnd() ||
1256  nodes->value.IsArray() == false)
1257  throw "Malformed GraphAdjacencyList JSON: malformed nodes";
1259  const auto& nodeArray = nodes->value.GetArray();
1260  int nbVertex = nodeArray.Size();
1261  for (int i = 0; i < nbVertex; ++i) {
1262  std::string name;
1264  const auto& vertexJSONstr = nodeArray[i];
1266  const auto& nameJSON = vertexJSONstr.FindMember("name");
1267  if (nameJSON != vertexJSONstr.MemberEnd()
1268  && nameJSON->value.IsString()) {
1269  name = nameJSON->value.GetString();
1270  }
1271  gr.addVertex(i, name);
1272  }
1273  }
1275  //reconstructing links, and using "label" as data associated with the link
1276  {
1277  const auto& links = data.FindMember("links");
1278  if (links == data.MemberEnd() ||
1279  links->value.IsArray() == false)
1280  throw "Malformed GraphAdjacencyList JSON: malformed links";
1282  const auto& linkArray = links->value.GetArray();
1283  int nbLink = linkArray.Size();
1284  for (int i = 0; i < nbLink; ++i) {
1285  std::string name;
1286  int src;
1287  int dest;
1288  int wgt;
1290  const auto& linkJSONstr = linkArray[i];
1292  //checking label. Maybe does not exist? (is that field optional?)
1293  const auto& nameJSON = linkJSONstr.FindMember("label");
1294  if (nameJSON != linkJSONstr.MemberEnd()
1295  && nameJSON->value.IsString()) {
1296  name = nameJSON->value.GetString();
1297  }
1299  //checking source
1300  const auto& srcJSON = linkJSONstr.FindMember("source");
1301  if (srcJSON == linkJSONstr.MemberEnd()
1302  || srcJSON->value.IsInt() == false) {
1303  throw "Malformed GraphAdjacencyList JSON: malformed link";
1304  }
1305  src = srcJSON->value.GetInt();
1307  //checking destination
1308  const auto& dstJSON = linkJSONstr.FindMember("target");
1309  if (dstJSON == linkJSONstr.MemberEnd()
1310  || dstJSON->value.IsInt() == false) {
1311  throw "Malformed GraphAdjacencyList JSON: malformed link";
1312  }
1313  dest = dstJSON->value.GetInt();
1315  //checking weight. //why is weight a mandatory parameter?
1316  const auto& wgtJSON = linkJSONstr.FindMember("weight");
1317  if (wgtJSON == linkJSONstr.MemberEnd()
1318  || wgtJSON->value.IsInt() == false) {
1319  throw "Malformed GraphAdjacencyList JSON: malformed link";
1320  }
1321  wgt = wgtJSON->value.GetInt();
1323  //adding edge.
1324  gr.addEdge(src, dest, name);
1325  }
1326  }
1328  return gr;
1329  }
1339  int assignment,
1340  int subassignment = 0) {
1342  std::string s = this->getAssignment(user, assignment, subassignment);
1344  rapidjson::Document doc;
1345  doc.Parse(s.c_str());
1346  if (doc.HasParseError())
1347  throw "Malformed JSON";
1349  try {
1350  std::string assignment_type = doc["assignment_type"].GetString();
1352  if (assignment_type != "ColorGrid")
1353  throw "Malformed ColorGrid JSON: Not a ColorGrid";
1354  }
1355  catch (rapidjson_exception re) {
1356  throw "Malformed JSON: Not a Bridges assignment?";
1357  }
1359  try {
1360  auto& data = doc["data"][0];
1362  std::string encoding = data["encoding"].GetString();
1363  if (encoding != "RAW" && encoding != "RLE")
1364  throw "Malformed ColorGrid JSON: encoding not supported";
1366  //Access doc["data"][0]["dimensions"]
1367  const auto& dimensions = data["dimensions"];
1368  int dimx = dimensions[0].GetInt();
1369  int dimy = dimensions[1].GetInt();
1371  if (debug())
1372  std::cerr << "Dimensions: " << dimx << "x" << dimy << std::endl;
1374  //Access doc["data"][0]["nodes"][0]
1375  std::string base64_encoded_assignment = data["nodes"][0].GetString();
1377  std::vector<bridges::BYTE> decoded = bridges::base64::decode(base64_encoded_assignment);
1379  bridges::ColorGrid cg (dimx, dimy);
1381  if (encoding == "RAW") {
1382  if (debug())
1383  std::cerr << "decoding RAW" << std::endl;
1384  if (debug())
1385  std::cerr << "length: " << decoded.size() << std::endl;
1386  if (decoded.size() < dimx * dimy * 4)
1387  throw "Malformed ColorGrid JSON: nodes is smaller than expected";
1389  //first pixel
1390  //std::cerr<<(int)decoded[0]<<" "<<(int)decoded[1]<<" "<<(int)decoded[2]<<" "<<(int)decoded[3]<<std::endl;
1392  //bridges::ColorGrid* ptr = new bridges::ColorGrid (dimx, dimy);
1394  size_t base = 0;
1396  for (int x = 0; x < dimx; ++x) {
1397  for (int y = 0; y < dimy; ++y) {
1398  bridges::Color c ((int)decoded[base],
1399  (int)decoded[base + 1],
1400  (int)decoded[base + 2],
1401  (int)decoded[base + 3]
1402  );
1404  cg.set(x, y, c);
1405  base += 4;
1406  }
1407  }
1408  }
1409  else if (encoding == "RLE") {
1410  if (debug())
1411  std::cerr << "Decoding RLE" << std::endl;
1413  int currentInDecoded = 0;
1414  int currentInCG = 0;
1415  while (currentInDecoded != decoded.size()) {
1416  if (currentInDecoded + 5 > decoded.size())
1417  throw "Malformed ColorGrid JSON: nodes is not a multiple of 5";
1419  int repeat = (BYTE) decoded[currentInDecoded++];
1420  int r = (BYTE) decoded[currentInDecoded++];
1421  int g = (BYTE) decoded[currentInDecoded++];
1422  int b = (BYTE) decoded[currentInDecoded++];
1423  int a = (BYTE) decoded[currentInDecoded++];
1425  if (debug())
1426  std::cerr << "indecoded: " << currentInDecoded
1427  << " repeat: " << (int)repeat
1428  << " color(" << (int)r << "," << (int)g << "," << (int)b << "," << (int)a << ")"
1429  << std::endl;
1431  bridges::Color c (r, g, b, a);
1433  while (repeat >= 0) {
1434  int posX = currentInCG / dimy;
1435  int posY = currentInCG % dimy;
1436  if (posX >= dimx || posY >= dimy) {
1437  if (debug())
1438  std::cerr << posX << " " << dimx << " " << posY << " " << dimy << std::endl;
1439  throw "Malformed ColorGrid JSON: Too much data in nodes";
1440  }
1441  cg.set(posX, posY, c);
1443  currentInCG++;
1444  repeat --;
1445  }
1446  }
1447  if (debug())
1448  std::cerr << "written " << currentInCG << " pixels" << std::endl;
1449  if (currentInCG != dimx * dimy)
1450  throw "Malformed ColorGrid JSON: Not enough data in nodes";
1451  }
1453  return cg;
1454  }
1455  catch (rapidjson_exception re) {
1456  throw "Malformed ColorGrid JSON";
1457  }
1459  }
1460  private:
1461  /***
1462  * This function obtains the JSON representation of a particular subassignment.
1463  *
1464  * @return a string that is the JSON representation of the subassignment as stored by the Bridges server.
1465  * @param user the name of the user who uploaded the assignment
1466  * @param assignment the ID of the assignment to get
1467  * @param subassignment the ID of the subassignment to get
1468  ***/
1469  std::string getAssignment(std::string user,
1470  int assignment,
1471  int subassignment = 0) {
1472  std::vector<std::string> headers;
1474  std::stringstream ss;
1477  if (bridges_inst)
1478  ss << bridges_inst->getServerURL();
1479  else
1480  ss << bridges::Bridges::getDefaultServerURL();
1481  ss << "/assignmentJSON/"
1482  << assignment << ".";
1483  ss << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << subassignment;
1484  ss << "/" << user;
1486  std::string url = ss.str();
1488  std::string s = bridges::ServerComm::makeRequest(url, headers);
1490  return s;
1491  }
1493  void removeFirstOccurence (std::string & str, const std::string & toRemove) {
1494  size_t pos = str.find(toRemove);
1495  if (pos != std::string::npos) {
1496  str.erase(pos, toRemove.length());
1497  }
1498  }
1509  void getWikidataActorMovieDirect (int yearbegin, int yearend, std::vector<MovieActorWikidata>& vout) {
1510  std::string codename = "wikidata-actormovie-" + std::to_string(yearbegin) + "-" + std::to_string(yearend);
1511  std::string json;
1512  bool from_cache = false;
1513  try {
1514  if (my_cache.inCache(codename)) {
1515  json = my_cache.getDoc(codename);
1516  from_cache = true;
1517  }
1518  }
1519  catch (CacheException& ce) {
1520  //something went bad trying to access the cache
1521  std::cout << "Exception while reading from cache. Ignoring cache and continue.\n( What was:" << ce.what() << ")" << std::endl;
1522  }
1524  if (!from_cache) {
1525  std::vector<std::string> http_headers;
1526  http_headers.push_back("User-Agent: bridges-cxx"); //wikidata kicks you out if you don't have a useragent
1527  http_headers.push_back("Accept: application/json"); //tell wikidata we are OK with JSON
1529  string url = "";
1531  //Q1860 is "English"
1532  //P364 is "original language of film or TV show"
1533  //P161 is "cast member"
1534  //P577 is "publication date"
1535  //A11424 is "film"
1536  //P31 is "instance of"
1537  // "instance of film" is necessary to filter out tv shows
1538  std::string sparqlquery =
1539  "SELECT ?movie ?movieLabel ?actor ?actorLabel WHERE \
1540 {\
1541  ?movie wdt:P31 wd:Q11424.\
1542  ?movie wdt:P161 ?actor.\
1543  ?movie wdt:P364 wd:Q1860.\
1544  ?movie wdt:P577 ?date.\
1545  FILTER(YEAR(?date) >= " + std::to_string(yearbegin) + " && YEAR(?date) <= " + std::to_string(yearend) + ").\
1546  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language \"en\". } \
1547 }";
1548  url += "query=" + ServerComm::encodeURLPart(sparqlquery);
1549  url += "&";
1550  url += "format=json";
1552  if (debug()) {
1553  std::cout << "URL: " << url << "\n";
1554  }
1555  // get the Wikidata json
1556  json = ServerComm::makeRequest(url, http_headers);
1558  try {
1559  my_cache.putDoc(codename, json);
1560  }
1561  catch (CacheException& ce) {
1562  //something went bad trying to access the cache
1563  std::cerr << "Exception while storing in cache. Weird but not critical. (What was: " << ce.what() << " )" << std::endl;
1564  }
1565  }
1567  {
1568  using namespace rapidjson;
1569  rapidjson::Document doc;
1570  doc.Parse(json.c_str());
1571  if (doc.HasParseError())
1572  throw "Malformed JSON";
1574  try {
1575  const auto& resultsArray = doc["results"]["bindings"].GetArray();
1577  for (auto& mak_json : resultsArray) {
1578  MovieActorWikidata mak;
1580  // all wikidata uri start with ""
1581  // so strip it out because it does not help discriminate and
1582  // consume memory and runtime to compare string
1583  std::string actoruri = mak_json["actor"]["value"].GetString();
1584  std::string movieuri = mak_json["movie"]["value"].GetString();
1585  removeFirstOccurence (actoruri, "");
1587  removeFirstOccurence (movieuri, "");
1589  mak.setActorURI(actoruri);
1590  mak.setMovieURI(movieuri);
1591  mak.setActorName(mak_json["actorLabel"]["value"].GetString());
1592  mak.setMovieName(mak_json["movieLabel"]["value"].GetString());
1593  vout.push_back(mak);
1594  }
1596  }
1597  catch (rapidjson_exception re) {
1598  throw "Malformed JSON: Not from wikidata?";
1599  }
1600  }
1601  }
1602  public:
1611  std::vector<MovieActorWikidata> getWikidataActorMovie (int yearbegin, int yearend) {
1612  //Internally this function get the data year by year. This
1613  //is pretty bad because it hits wikidata the first time
1614  //for multiple years. But it enables to work around
1615  //wikidata's time limit. This also works well because the
1616  //Cache will store each year independently and so without
1617  //redundancy. Though I (Erik) am not completely sure that a
1618  //movie can be appear in different years, for instance it
1619  //can be released in the US in 2005 but in canada in
1620  //2006...
1622  std::vector<MovieActorWikidata> ret;
1623  for (int y = yearbegin; y <= yearend; ++y) {
1624  // cout << "getting year " << y << endl;
1625  getWikidataActorMovieDirect (y, y, ret);
1626  }
1627  return ret;
1628  }
1643  double minLat, double minLon,
1644  double maxLat, double maxLon, double res = 0.0166) {
1646  // set up the elevation data url to get the data, given
1647  // a lat/long bounding box
1649  std::string elev_url = getElevationBaseURL() +
1650  "elevation?minLon=" + ServerComm::encodeURLPart(std::to_string(minLon)) +
1651  "&minLat=" + ServerComm::encodeURLPart(std::to_string(minLat)) +
1652  "&maxLon=" + ServerComm::encodeURLPart(std::to_string(maxLon)) +
1653  "&maxLat=" + ServerComm::encodeURLPart(std::to_string(maxLat)) +
1654  "&resX=" + ServerComm::encodeURLPart(std::to_string(res)) +
1655  "&resY=" + ServerComm::encodeURLPart(std::to_string(res));
1657  if (debug())
1658  cout << "Elevation URL:" << elev_url << "\n";
1659  cout << "Elevation URL:" << elev_url << "\n";
1661  std::string hash_url = getElevationBaseURL() +
1662  "hash?minLon=" + ServerComm::encodeURLPart(std::to_string(minLon)) +
1663  "&minLat=" + ServerComm::encodeURLPart(std::to_string(minLat)) +
1664  "&maxLon=" + ServerComm::encodeURLPart(std::to_string(maxLon)) +
1665  "&maxLat=" + ServerComm::encodeURLPart(std::to_string(maxLat)) +
1666  "&resX=" + ServerComm::encodeURLPart(std::to_string(res)) +
1667  "&resY=" + ServerComm::encodeURLPart(std::to_string(res));
1669  if (debug())
1670  cout << "Hash URL:" << hash_url << "\n";
1672  // get the dataset's JSON from the local cache, if available,
1673  // else from the server
1675  string elev_json = getDataSetJSON(elev_url, hash_url, "elevation"); //Erik says: we call that function but the format ain't JSON somehow.
1677  return parseElevationData(elev_json);
1678  }
1687  ElevationData parseElevationData (string elev_json) {
1689  // use a string stream to parse the data, which is not really a JSON,
1690  // but raw text
1691  stringstream ss(elev_json);
1693  int rows, cols, elev_val;
1694  double ll_x, ll_y, cell_size;
1695  string tmp;
1697  // get the dimensions, origin
1698  ss >> tmp >> cols >> tmp >> rows >>
1699  tmp >> ll_x >> tmp >> ll_y >>
1700  tmp >> cell_size;
1702  if (!ss)
1703  throw "Parse Error";
1706  // create the elevation object
1707  ElevationData elev_data (rows, cols);
1708  elev_data.setxll(ll_x);
1709  elev_data.setyll(ll_y);
1710  elev_data.setCellSize(cell_size);
1712  // load the elevation data
1713  for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
1714  for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
1715  ss >> elev_val;
1716  elev_data.setVal(i, j, elev_val);
1717  }
1718  }
1719  if (!ss)
1720  throw "Parse Error";
1722  return elev_data;
1723  }
1731  std::vector<std::string> getAvailableSubreddits() {
1732  string base_url = getRedditURL();
1733  string url = base_url + "/listJSON";
1734  if (debug()) {
1735  std::cout << "hitting url: " << url << "\n";
1736  }
1737  using namespace rapidjson;
1738  Document doc;
1739  {
1740  std::string s = ServerComm::makeRequest(url, {"Accept: application/json"});
1741  if (debug()) {
1742  std::cout << "Returned JSON:" << s << "\n";
1743  }
1744  try {
1745  doc.Parse(s.c_str());
1746  }
1747  catch (rapidjson_exception& re) {
1748  std::cerr << "malformed subreddit list" << "\n";
1749  std::cerr << "Original exception: " << (std::string)re << "\n";
1750  }
1751  }
1753  std::vector<std::string> subreddits;
1754  try {
1755  for (auto& m : doc.GetArray()) {
1757  std::string subred = m.GetString();
1758  subreddits.push_back(subred);
1760  }
1761  }
1762  catch (rapidjson_exception& re) {
1763  std::cerr << "malformed subreddit list" << "\n";
1764  std::cerr << "Original exception: " << (std::string)re << "\n";
1765  }
1767  return subreddits;
1769  }
1780  vector<Reddit> getRedditData(string subreddit, int time_request = -9999) {
1781  string base_url = getRedditURL();
1782  if (debug()) {
1783  cout << "reddit base url:" << base_url << "\n";
1784  }
1785  string url = base_url + "/cache?subreddit=" + subreddit +
1786  "&time_request=" + std::to_string(time_request);
1788  if (debug()) {
1789  cout << "reddit url:" << url << "\n";
1790  }
1792  using namespace rapidjson;
1793  Document doc;
1794  {
1795  std::string s = ServerComm::makeRequest(url, {"Accept: application/json"});
1796  if (debug()) {
1797  std::cout << "Returned JSON:" << s << "\n";
1798  }
1799  doc.Parse(s.c_str());
1800  }
1802  vector<Reddit> reddit_posts;
1803  for (auto& m : doc.GetObject()) {
1804  try {
1805  if (debug()) {
1806  std::cout << << "\n";
1807  }
1808  auto& postJSON = m.value;
1810  std::string id = postJSON["id"].GetString();
1811  std::string title = postJSON["title"].GetString();
1812  std::string author = postJSON["author"].GetString();
1813  int score = postJSON["score"].GetInt();
1814  float vote_ratio = postJSON["vote_ratio"].GetDouble();
1815  int comment_count = postJSON["comment_count"].GetInt();
1816  std::string subreddit = postJSON["subreddit"].GetString();
1817  int posttime = postJSON["post_time"].GetDouble();
1818  std::string url = postJSON["url"].GetString();
1819  std::string text = postJSON["text"].GetString();
1821  Reddit r;
1822  r.setID(id);
1823  r.setTitle(title);
1824  r.setAuthor(author);
1825  r.setScore(score);
1826  r.setVoteRatio(vote_ratio);
1827  r.setCommentCount(comment_count);
1828  r.setSubreddit(subreddit);
1829  r.setPostTime(posttime);
1830  r.setURL(url);
1831  r.setText(text);
1832  reddit_posts.push_back(r);
1833  }
1834  catch (rapidjson_exception& re) {
1835  std::cerr << "malformed Reddit post" << "\n";
1836  std::cerr << "Original exception: " << (std::string)re << "\n";
1837  }
1838  }
1840  return reddit_posts;
1841  }
1843  private:
1853  string getHashCode (string hash_url, string data_type) {
1854  string hash_value;
1855  if (data_type == "osm" || data_type == "amenity" ||
1856  data_type == "elevation") {
1857  hash_value = ServerComm::makeRequest(hash_url, {"Accept: application/json"});
1858  }
1859  else if (data_type == "gutenberg")
1860  hash_value = hash_url;
1862  return hash_value;
1863  }
1886  std::string getDataSetJSON(std::string data_url, std::string hash_url,
1887  std::string data_type) {
1889  std::string data_json = "";
1891  // First check to see if the requested data is stored in local cache
1892  // get hash value for elevation data
1893  if (debug())
1894  cerr << "Checking the cache: Hash url: " << hash_url << "\n";
1896  // generate the hash code
1897  string hash_value = getHashCode(hash_url, data_type);
1899  bool dataloaded = false;
1901  if ((hash_value != "false") && (my_cache.inCache(hash_value) == true)) { //local cache contains the dataset
1902  try {
1903  data_json = my_cache.getDoc(hash_value);
1904  dataloaded = true;
1905  }
1906  catch (CacheException& ce) {
1907  //something went bad trying to access the data in the local cache
1908  std::cout << "Exception while reading from cache. "
1909  << "Ignoring cache and continuing..\n (What was:" << ce.what() << ")\n";
1910  }
1911  }
1912  if (!dataloaded) {
1913  //Data could not get accessed from cache for some reason.
1914  //So teh data need to be access from the remote server.
1915  //Then we will store it in a local cache for future usage.
1916  if (debug())
1917  std::cerr << "Hitting data URL: " << data_url << "\n";
1919  //Requests the data
1920  data_json = ServerComm::makeRequest(data_url,
1921  {"Accept: application/json"});
1923  //Store the data in cache for future reuse
1924  try {
1925  // We need the data's hash code to know where to store it in local cache.
1926  // We may already have it from the previous query.
1927  if (hash_value == "false") {
1928  if (debug())
1929  std::cerr << "Hitting hash URL: " << hash_value << "\n";
1931  hash_value = getHashCode(hash_url, data_type);
1932  }
1934  // This test should only ever be true if something wrong happens server-side
1935  if (hash_value == "false") {
1936  std::cerr << "Error while gathering hash value for " << data_type << " dataset..\n"
1937  << "Weird but not critical.\n";
1938  }
1939  else {
1940  my_cache.putDoc(hash_value, data_json);
1941  }
1942  }
1943  catch (CacheException& ce) {
1944  //something went bad trying to access the cache
1945  std::cerr << "Exception while storing in cache. " <<
1946  "Weird but not critical.\n" <<
1947  "(What was: " << ce.what() << ")\n";
1948  if (debug())
1949  std::cerr << "Tried to store hash=" << hash_value <<
1950  " key = " << data_json << std::endl;
1951  }
1952  }
1954  if (debug())
1955  cout << data_json;
1957  return data_json;
1958  }
1960  }; // class DataSource
1961 } // namespace bridges
1962 #endif
Class that hold Open Street Map Amenity data.
Definition: Amenity.h:22
void setLat(double latitude)
Definition: Amenity.h:88
void setId(long id)
Definition: Amenity.h:72
void setLon(double longitude)
Definition: Amenity.h:104
void setName(string n)
Definition: Amenity.h:120
This class contains methods to connect and transmit a user's data structure representation to the Bri...
Definition: Bridges.h:50
This class provides an API to various data sources used in BRIDGES.
Definition: DataSource.h:64
vector< ActorMovieIMDB > getActorMovieIMDBData2()
Get ActorMovie IMDB Data Data is retrieved, formatted into a list of ActorMovieIMDB objects.
Definition: DataSource.h:511
DataSource(bridges::Bridges &br)
Definition: DataSource.h:138
vector< Amenity > getAmenityData(const std::string &location, const std::string &amenity)
Definition: DataSource.h:1085
std::vector< MovieActorWikidata > getWikidataActorMovie(int yearbegin, int yearend)
This function returns the Movie and Actors playing in them between two years.
Definition: DataSource.h:1611
vector< GutenbergBook > getGutenbergBookMetaData(string term, string category)
Search the gutenberg data for retrieving meta data of books matching a string and a category.
Definition: DataSource.h:818
OSMData getOSMData(string location, string level="default")
Definition: DataSource.h:1178
string getGutenbergBookText(int id=0)
Get the full text of the book with the provided id.
Definition: DataSource.h:847
vector< CancerIncidence > getCancerIncidenceData(int num=0)
Retrieves the CDC dataset of Cancer Incidence. Data is retrieved into a vector of records See CancerI...
Definition: DataSource.h:872
OSMData getOSMData(double lat_min, double long_min, double lat_max, double long_max, string level="default")
Get OpenStreetMap data given a bounding rectangle of lat/long values.
Definition: DataSource.h:1008
vector< Song > getSongData()
Get data of the songs (including lyrics) using the Genius API https://docs.genius....
Definition: DataSource.h:711
vector< EarthquakeUSGS > getEarthquakeUSGSData(int number=0)
Get USGS earthquake data USGS Tweet data ( retrieved,...
Definition: DataSource.h:547
vector< ActorMovieIMDB > getActorMovieIMDBData(int number=0)
Get ActorMovie IMDB Data Data is retrieved, formatted into a list of ActorMovieIMDB objects.
Definition: DataSource.h:478
vector< USState > getUSMapCountyData(vector< string > state_names, bool view_counties=true)
Get US State boundaries and counties of specified states.
Definition: DataSource.h:372
std::vector< std::string > getAvailableSubreddits()
retrieves the subreddits made available by BRIDGES
Definition: DataSource.h:1731
Song getSong(string songTitle, string artistName="")
Get data of a particular songs (including lyrics) using the Genius API (https://docs....
Definition: DataSource.h:656
vector< USState > getUSMapData()
Get US State of all 50 states.
Definition: DataSource.h:349
ElevationData parseElevationData(string elev_json)
Parses the elevation data string and retuns an Elevation object.
Definition: DataSource.h:1687
vector< Shakespeare > getShakespeareData(string type="", bool textonly=false)
Get data of Shakespeare works (plays, poems)
Definition: DataSource.h:607
vector< USState > getUSMapCountyData()
Get US State boundaries and counties af all 50 states.
Definition: DataSource.h:360
vector< City > getUSCities(unordered_map< string, string > params)
Retrieves US city data based on a set of filtering parameters.
Definition: DataSource.h:181
vector< Amenity > getAmenityData(double minLat, double minLon, double maxLat, double maxLon, std::string amenity)
Definition: DataSource.h:1049
bridges::ColorGrid getColorGridFromAssignment(const std::string &user, int assignment, int subassignment=0)
Definition: DataSource.h:1338
void setSourceType(string type)
set data server type
Definition: DataSource.h:150
vector< Game > getGameData()
Get meta data of the IGN games collection.
Definition: DataSource.h:440
ElevationData getElevationData(double minLat, double minLon, double maxLat, double maxLon, double res=0.0166)
Definition: DataSource.h:1642
bridges::GraphAdjList< int, std::string > getGraphFromAssignment(const std::string &user, int assignment, int subassignment=0)
Definition: DataSource.h:1211
vector< Reddit > getRedditData(string subreddit, int time_request=-9999)
Definition: DataSource.h:1780
vector< Amenity > parseAmenityData(string amenity_json)
Parses the amenity string and returns an AmenityData object.
Definition: DataSource.h:1115
DataSource(bridges::Bridges *br=nullptr)
Definition: DataSource.h:133
GutenbergBook getGutenbergBookMetaData(int id=0)
Get meta data of a single Gutenberg book This function retrieves, and formats the data into a list of...
Definition: DataSource.h:796
A class to hold actor movie data – using IMDB dataset.
Definition: ActorMovieIMDB.h:31
A class representing the attributes for cancer incidence.
Definition: CancerIncidence.h:32
Class that holds data of a city.
Definition: City.h:29
Class that hold earthquake data, for use with USGIS retrieved quake data.
Definition: EarthquakeUSGS.h:28
Class that hold elevation data.
Definition: ElevationData.h:27
void setyll(int y_ll)
Definition: ElevationData.h:206
void setxll(int x_ll)
Definition: ElevationData.h:189
void setVal(int r, int c, int val)
Definition: ElevationData.h:151
void setCellSize(float cell_size)
Definition: ElevationData.h:224
A Game object, used along with the Games data source.
Definition: Game.h:34
A Gutenberg Book object (meta data and book's full text)
Definition: GutenbergBook.h:32
This is a helper class for accessing actor-movie data from Wikidata.
Definition: MovieActorWikidata.h:23
void setMovieURI(std::string mu)
Definition: MovieActorWikidata.h:40
void setActorName(std::string an)
Definition: MovieActorWikidata.h:64
void setActorURI(std::string au)
Definition: MovieActorWikidata.h:48
void setMovieName(std::string mn)
Definition: MovieActorWikidata.h:56
Class that hold Open Street Map Data.
Definition: OSMData.h:38
void setEdges(const vector< OSMEdge > &e)
set edges
Definition: OSMData.h:307
void setVertices(const vector< OSMVertex > &verts)
replace the vertices stored by this new set.
Definition: OSMData.h:269
void setName(const string &n)
change the name of the dataset
Definition: OSMData.h:224
void setLatLongRange(double *lat_range, double *longit_range)
set the latitude and longitude range of the dataset
Definition: OSMData.h:111
Class that hold Open Street Map edges.
Definition: OSMEdge.h:27
Class that hold Open Street Map vertices.
Definition: OSMVertex.h:33
long OSMVertexID
Definition: OSMVertex.h:35
An object to represent a Reddit post, used along with the Reddit data source.
Definition: Reddit.h:28
A Shakespeare Data source object containing sonnets, poems and plays.
Definition: Shakespeare.h:31
A Song object, used along with the Songs data source.
Definition: Song.h:27
This object contains US county related information.
Definition: USCounty.h:28
Definition: USState.h:26
This is a class in BRIDGES for representing an image.
Definition: ColorGrid.h:22
This class represents Color, and supports rgba, hexadecimal and named color values.
Definition: Color.h:50
This class provides methods to represent adjacency list based graphs.
Definition: GraphAdjList.h:110
void addVertex(const K &k, const E1 &e=E1())
Adds a vertex to the graph.
Definition: GraphAdjList.h:175
void addEdge(const K &src, const K &dest, const E2 &data=E2())
Definition: GraphAdjList.h:198
void set(int row, int col, E val)
Set the grid value for the (row, col) element.
Definition: Grid.h:186
Definition: Cache.h:205
virtual void putDoc(const std::string &hash_value, const std::string &content) override
Definition: Cache.h:233
virtual bool inCache(const std::string &hash_value) override
Definition: Cache.h:226
virtual std::string getDoc(const std::string &hash_value) override
Definition: Cache.h:217
vector< BYTE > decode(string const &encoded_string)
Definition: base64.h:100
Definition: ActorMovieIMDB.h:10
Definition: Array.h:9
Support for drawing Bar charts.
Definition: alltypes.h:4
unsigned char BYTE
Definition: base64.h:43
Definition: JSONutil.h:6