Bridges-C++  3.4.5-dev1-6-g935685a
Bridges(C++ API)
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #ifndef ELEMENT_H
3 #define ELEMENT_H
5 #include <unordered_set>
6 #include <unordered_map>
7 #include <cmath>
9 using namespace std;
11 #include "DataStructure.h"
12 #include "ElementVisualizer.h"
13 #include "LinkVisualizer.h"
14 #include <JSONutil.h>
16 namespace bridges {
17  namespace datastructure {
18  // forward Declarations
19  template <typename K, typename E1, typename E2> class GraphAdjList;
20  template <typename K, typename E1, typename E2> class GraphAdjMatrix;
51  template <typename E> class Element {
52  //Used for access to generateJSON() and for links manipulation
53  template <typename K, typename E1, typename E2> friend class GraphAdjList;
54  template <typename K, typename E1, typename E2> friend class GraphAdjMatrix;
55  template <typename K> friend class Array;
56  template <typename K> friend class Array1D;
57  template <typename K> friend class Array2D;
58  template <typename K> friend class Array3D;
60  private:
61  bool debug() const {
62  return false;
63  }
68  static const unordered_map<const Shape, const string, hash<int >> & ShapeNames() {
70  static std::unordered_map<const Shape, const string, hash<int >> sn = {
71  {CIRCLE, "circle"},
72  {SQUARE, "square"},
73  {DIAMOND, "diamond"},
74  {CROSS, "cross"},
75  {TRIANGLE, "triangle"},
76  {WYE, "wye"},
77  {STAR, "star"}
78  };
79  return sn;
80  }
82  //this element's label
83  string label;
84  // appl. specific data stored with element
85  E value = E();
86  // this element's visualizer
87  ElementVisualizer* elvis;
89  protected:
91  // this element's collection of links
92  unordered_map<Element*, LinkVisualizer> links;
94  public:
102  explicit Element(const E& val = E(), const string& lab = string()) :
103  label(lab), value(val) {
104  elvis = new ElementVisualizer;
105  }
113  Element(const Element& e)
114  : label(e.label), value(e.value), elvis(new ElementVisualizer(*(e.elvis))), links(e.links) {
115  }
117  Element& operator= (const Element& e) {
118  this->label = e.label;
119  this->value = e.value;
120  *(this->elvis) = *(e.elvis);
121  this->links = e.links;
122  return *this;
123  }
125  E& operator= (E const& e) {
126  this->value = e;
127  return this->value;
128  }
133  virtual ~Element() {
134  delete elvis; // removes the visualizer
135  }
142  return elvis;
143  }
150  return elvis;
151  }
163  if (links.find(const_cast<Element * >(el)) != links.end()) {
164  return &(<Element*>(el)));
165  }
166  if (debug())
167  cerr << "Element " << label << " not linked to Element "
168  << el->getLabel() << ", returning NULL" << endl;
169  return nullptr;
170  }
181  return const_cast<Element*> (this)->getLinkVisualizer(el);
182  }
188  string const & getLabel() const {
189  return label;
190  }
197  void setLabel(const string& lab) {
198  label = lab;
199  }
207  E const & getValue() const {
208  return value;
209  }
217  E & getValue() {
218  return value;
219  }
226  void setValue(const E& val) {
227  value = val;
228  }
230  protected:
235  virtual const string getElementRepresentation() const {
237  //write out ElementVisualizer properties
239  // first check if location is set and needs to be included
240  string loc_str = "";
241  if ( (elvis->getLocationX() != INFINITY) &&
242  (elvis->getLocationY() != INFINITY) ) {
243  loc_str = QUOTE + "location" + QUOTE + COLON +
244  OPEN_BOX +
245  JSONencode(elvis->getLocationX()) + COMMA +
246  JSONencode(elvis->getLocationY()) +
248  }
249  return OPEN_CURLY +
250  QUOTE + "color" + QUOTE + COLON + elvis->getColor().getCSSRepresentation()
251  + COMMA +
252  loc_str +
253  QUOTE + "shape" + QUOTE + COLON + QUOTE +
254  ShapeNames().at(elvis->getShape()) + QUOTE + COMMA +
255  QUOTE + "size" + QUOTE + COLON +
256  JSONencode(elvis->getSize()) + COMMA +
257  QUOTE + "name" + QUOTE + COLON + JSONencode( label) +
259  }
260  /*
261  virtual void getElementRepresentation(rapidjson::Document& d)
262  const {
263  using namespace rapidjson;
264  //write out ElementVisualizer properties
266  Value k, v;
267  d.SetObject();
268  Document::AllocatorType& allocator = d.GetAllocator();
270  Value el_obj(kObjectType);
272  // first check if location is set and needs to be included
273  if ( (elvis->getLocationX() != INFINITY) &&
274  (elvis->getLocationY() != INFINITY) ) {
276  Value loc_arr(kArrayType);
277  loc_arr.PushBack(v.SetDouble(elvis->getLocationX()),
278  allocator);
279  loc_arr.PushBack(v.SetDouble(elvis->getLocationY()),
280  allocator);
281  el_obj.AddMember("location", loc_arr, allocator);
282  }
284  // string col_rep = elvis->getColor().getCSSRepresentation();
285  // v.SetString(col_rep.c_str(), allocator);
286  Document d2;
287  elvis->getColor().getCSSRepresentation(d2);
288  el_obj.AddMember("color", d2["color"], allocator);
289  string s = ShapeNames().at(elvis->getShape());
290  v.SetString(s.c_str(), allocator);
291  el_obj.AddMember("shape", v, allocator);
292  el_obj.AddMember("size", v.SetDouble(elvis->getSize()), allocator);
293  v.SetString(label.c_str(), allocator);
294  el_obj.AddMember("name", v, allocator);
296  // put this into an element
297  d.AddMember ("element", el_obj, allocator);
298  }
299  */
310  static const string getLinkRepresentation(
311  const LinkVisualizer& lv,
312  const string& src, const string& dest) {
315  //write out LinkVisualizer properties
316  return OPEN_CURLY +
317  QUOTE + "color" + QUOTE + COLON + lv.getColor().getCSSRepresentation()
318  + COMMA +
319  (!lv.getLabel().empty() ?
320  (QUOTE + "label" + QUOTE + COLON +
321  JSONencode( lv.getLabel()) + COMMA) : "") +
322  QUOTE + "thickness" + QUOTE + COLON +
323  JSONencode(lv.getThickness()) + COMMA +
324  QUOTE + "source" + QUOTE + COLON + JSONencode(src) + COMMA +
325  QUOTE + "target" + QUOTE + COLON + JSONencode(dest) +
327  }
329  const LinkVisualizer& lv,
330  const string& src, const string& dest,
331  rapidjson::Document& d) {
333  using namespace rapidjson;
334  Document::AllocatorType& allocator = d.GetAllocator();
335  d.SetObject();
336  Value lv_obj, v, v2;
337  lv_obj.SetObject();
339  string col_str = lv.getColor().getCSSRepresentation();
340  v.SetString(col_str.c_str(), allocator);
341  lv_obj.AddMember("color", v, allocator);
342  if (!lv.getLabel().empty()) {
343  v.SetString(lv.getLabel().c_str(), allocator);
344  lv_obj.AddMember("label", v, allocator);
345  }
346  lv_obj.AddMember("thickness", v.SetDouble(lv.getThickness()), allocator);
347  v.SetString(src.c_str(), allocator);
348  lv_obj.AddMember("source", v, allocator);
349  v2.SetString(dest.c_str(), allocator);
350  lv_obj.AddMember("target", v2, allocator);
351  d.AddMember("link", lv_obj, allocator);
352  }
353  public:
359  void setSize(const double& sz) {
360  elvis->setSize(sz);
361  }
368  double getSize() const {
369  return elvis->getSize();
370  }
376  void setColor(const Color& col) {
377  elvis->setColor(col);
378  }
385  void setColor(const string col) {
386  elvis->setColor(col);
387  }
394  Color getColor() const {
395  return elvis->getColor();
396  }
403  void setOpacity(double opacity) {
404  elvis->setOpacity(opacity);
405  }
412  double getOpacity() {
413  return elvis->getOpacity();
414  }
422  void setShape(const Shape& shp) {
423  elvis->setShape(shp);
424  }
432  Shape getShape() const {
433  return elvis->getShape();
434  }
441  void setLocation(const double& locX, const double& locY) {
442  elvis->setLocation(locX, locY);
443  }
449  double getLocationX() const {
450  return elvis->getLocationX();
451  }
456  double getLocationY() const {
457  return elvis->getLocationY();
458  }
459  }; //end of Element class
461  }
462 }//end of bridges namespace
464 #endif
A BRIDGES 1D array type.
Definition: Array1D.h:53
A BRIDGES array type.
Definition: Array2D.h:42
A BRIDGES array type.
Definition: Array3D.h:42
The foundation of BRIDGES array types. It is not meant to be used directly by students.
Definition: Array.h:21
This class represents Color, and supports rgba, hexadecimal and named color values.
Definition: Color.h:50
const string getCSSRepresentation() const
Definition: Color.h:403
This is the fundamental building block for all data structures in BRIDGES.
Definition: Element.h:51
static const string getLinkRepresentation(const LinkVisualizer &lv, const string &src, const string &dest)
Definition: Element.h:310
void setColor(const Color &col)
Set the color of the Element.
Definition: Element.h:376
void setShape(const Shape &shp)
Set the shape of the element.
Definition: Element.h:422
Element(const E &val=E(), const string &lab=string())
Definition: Element.h:102
void setValue(const E &val)
Sets generic object to "val".
Definition: Element.h:226
virtual const string getElementRepresentation() const
Gets the JSON string of the element representation.
Definition: Element.h:235
void setSize(const double &sz)
Sets size of the element.
Definition: Element.h:359
void setColor(const string col)
Set the color by name.
Definition: Element.h:385
void setLabel(const string &lab)
Sets label of this element.
Definition: Element.h:197
string const & getLabel() const
Gets the label of this element.
Definition: Element.h:188
double getLocationX() const
Gets the X coordinate of the location.
Definition: Element.h:449
LinkVisualizer * getLinkVisualizer(const Element *el)
Returns the LinkVisualizer of element.
Definition: Element.h:162
LinkVisualizer * getLinkVisualizer(const Element *el) const
Returns the LinkVisualizer of element.
Definition: Element.h:180
double getLocationY() const
Gets the Y coordinate of the location.
Definition: Element.h:456
const ElementVisualizer * getVisualizer() const
Get the element visualizer object - constant version.
Definition: Element.h:149
Element(const Element &e)
Definition: Element.h:113
double getSize() const
Get element size.
Definition: Element.h:368
E & getValue()
Gets the object held in the generic object E.
Definition: Element.h:217
static void getLinkRepresentation(const LinkVisualizer &lv, const string &src, const string &dest, rapidjson::Document &d)
Definition: Element.h:328
unordered_map< Element *, LinkVisualizer > links
Definition: Element.h:92
void setOpacity(double opacity)
Set opacity of element - use the 4th color component.
Definition: Element.h:403
Shape getShape() const
Returns the shape of the element.
Definition: Element.h:432
double getOpacity()
Definition: Element.h:412
E const & getValue() const
Gets the object held in the generic object E.
Definition: Element.h:207
ElementVisualizer * getVisualizer()
Get the element visualizer object.
Definition: Element.h:141
virtual ~Element()
Definition: Element.h:133
Color getColor() const
Get the current color of the element.
Definition: Element.h:394
void setLocation(const double &locX, const double &locY)
Sets the location attributes of an element.
Definition: Element.h:441
This class maintains the visual properties of the a Bridges element.
Definition: ElementVisualizer.h:31
This class provides methods to represent adjacency list based graphs.
Definition: GraphAdjList.h:110
This class provides methods to represent adjacency matrix based graphs.
Definition: GraphAdjMatrix.h:37
std::string JSONencode(const T &d)
Definition: JSONutil.h:38
Definition: ElementVisualizer.h:10
Definition: ElementVisualizer.h:10
Definition: ElementVisualizer.h:10
Definition: ElementVisualizer.h:10
Definition: ElementVisualizer.h:10
Definition: ElementVisualizer.h:10
Definition: ElementVisualizer.h:10
Definition: ElementVisualizer.h:10
Support for drawing Bar charts.
Definition: alltypes.h:4
const string COLON
Definition: DataStructure.h:52
const string OPEN_BOX
Definition: DataStructure.h:55
const string COMMA
Definition: DataStructure.h:51
const string OPEN_CURLY
Definition: DataStructure.h:53
const string CLOSE_BOX
Definition: DataStructure.h:56
const string CLOSE_CURLY
Definition: DataStructure.h:54
const string QUOTE
Definition: DataStructure.h:50