IMDB Actor/Movie Data

This data set is a curated subset of IMDB actor/movie dataset, with each record representing an actor name and a movie in which the actor appeared. There are 1814 actor/movie pairs in this dataset; this dataset is particularly suite to solving the Bacon number problem, using graphs and Breadth First Search (BFS).

See also

This tutorial gives an introduction to the usage of IMDb dataset. You can find the complete documentation of the features in the Doxygen documentation of the following classes and functions:

  1. ActorMovieIMDB [Java] [C++] [Python]
  2. getActorMovieIMDBData() [Java] [C++] [Python]
  3. getActorMovieIMDBData2() [Java] [C++] [Python]

Accessing IMDB Data: An Example BRIDGES program

The program snippet below illustrates how to access this dataset.
