▼Nbridges | |
►Narray | |
CArray | This class can be used to create arrays of type Element |
►Narray1d | |
CArray1D | This is a class can be used to create 1 dimensional arrays of type Element |
►Narray2d | |
CArray2D | Brief This class can be used to create 2D arrays of type Element |
►Narray3d | |
CArray3D | This class can be used to create three dimensional arrays of type Element |
►Naudio_channel | |
CAudioChannel | |
►Naudio_clip | |
CAudioClip | This class provides support for reading, modifying, and playing, audio waveform |
►Navl_tree_element | |
CAVLTreeElement | This class extends the BSTElement class by adding a height and balance factor fields that are useful in AVL trees |
►Nbar_chart | |
CBarChart | Support for drawing Bar charts |
►Nbfs_benchmark | |
CBFSBenchamrk | Benchmarks Breadth First Search algorithms |
►Nbin_tree_element | |
CBinTreeElement | This class is extended from the TreeElement class and can be used to create binary tree element objects |
►Nblocking_game | |
CBlockingGame | |
►Nbridges | |
CBridges | The bridges class is the main class that provides interfaces to datasets, maintains user and assignment information, and connects to the bridges server |
►Nbst_element | |
CBSTElement | The BSTElement class is the building block for creating binary search trees |
►Ncamera | |
CCamera | |
►Ncirc_dl_element | |
CCircDLelement | This class can be used to instantiate Circular Doubly Linked List Elements |
CCircDLelementIterator | |
CCircDLelementReverseIterator | |
►Ncirc_sl_element | |
CCircSLelement | This class can be used to instantiate Singly Linked Circular List Elements |
CCircSlelementIterator | |
►Ncircle | |
CCircle | |
►Ncolor | |
CColor | This class is used to represent colors in bridges |
►Ncolor_grid | |
CColorGrid | This is a class in BRIDGES for representing an (n x n) grid |
►Nconnector | |
CConnector | This is a class for handling calls to the BRIDGES server to transmit JSON to the server and subsequent visualization |
►Ndata_src_dependent | |
►Nactor_movie_imdb | |
CActorMovieIMDB | A class to hold actor movie data – using IMDB dataset |
►Namenity | |
CAmenity | This class is a helper class to be used with amenities data retrieved from OpenStreet Map data |
►Ncancer_incidence | |
CCancerIncidence | A class representing the attributes for cancer incidence |
►Ncity | |
CCity | Class that holds data of a city |
►Nearthquake_usgs | |
CEarthquakeUSGS | Class that holds earthquake data records |
►Nelevation | |
CElevationData | Class that holds elevation data |
►Ngame | |
CGame | A Game object, used along with the Games data source |
►Ngutenberg_book | |
CGutenbergBook | A Gutenberg Book object metadata only, used along with the books data source |
►Ngutenberg_meta | |
CGutenbergMeta | Class to hold the meta data of various books from the Gutenberg Project |
►Nlru_cache | |
Clru_cache | |
►Nmovie_actor_wiki_data | |
CMovieActorWikiData | This is a helper class for accessing actor-movie data from Wikidata |
►Nosm | |
COsmEdge | Class that hold Open Street Map edges |
COsmVertex | Class that hold Open Street Map vertices |
COsmData | Class that hold Open Street Map Data |
►Nreddit | |
CReddit | A reddit object representing a reddit post, used along with the reddit data source |
►Nshakespeare | |
CShakespeare | A Shakespeare Data source object containing sonnets, poems and plays |
►Nsong | |
CSong | A Song object, used along with the Songs data source |
►Nus_county | |
CUSCounty | Class that holds US County information |
►Nus_state | |
CUSState | Class for USState and its attributes |
►Nworld_cities | |
CWorldCities | |
►Ndl_element | |
CDLelement | This class is used to create doubly linked element objects |
CDLelementReverseIterator | |
►Nedge | |
CEdge | This class is used to represent the edges in a graph and will appear as links in the BRIDGES graph visualization |
►Nelement | |
CElement | |
►Nelement_visualizer | |
CElementVisualizer | |
►Ngame_cell | |
CGameCell | |
►Ngame_grid | |
CGameGrid | This is a class in BRIDGES for representing an (m x n) grid |
►Ngamebase | |
CGameBase | This is the base class for all games in BRIDGES |
►Ngamebase3D | |
CGameBase3D | This is the base class for all games in BRIDGES |
►Ngraph_adj_list | |
CGraphAdjList | The GraphAdjList class can be used to represent adjacency list based graphs in BRIDGES |
►Ngraph_adj_matrix | |
CGraphAdjMatrix | |
►Ngraph_benchmark | |
CGraphBenchmark | |
►Ngrid | |
CGrid | This is a base class in BRIDGES for representing an (n x n) grid |
►Ninput_helper | |
CInputHelper | This is meant to be an internal class, not something that the library user will use |
►Ninput_state_machine | |
CInputStateMachine | |
►Nkd_tree_element | |
CKDTreeElement | |
►Nkeypress_listener | |
CKeyPressListener | |
►Nlight | |
CLight | |
►Nline_chart | |
CLineChart | Show series of data or functions using a line chart |
►Nlink_visualizer | |
CLinkVisualizer | This class maintains the visual attributes of links that join bridges elements |
►Nmap | |
CMap | This is meant to be a base class for all map visualization |
►Nmesh | |
CMesh | |
CTerrain_Mesh | |
►Nml_element | |
CMLelement | This class can be used to instantiate Multi-list Elements |
►Nnamed_color | |
CNamedColor | |
►Nnamed_symbol | |
CNamedSymbol | |
►Nnon_blocking_game | |
CNonBlockingGame | This class provides the features necessary to implement simple non blocking games |
►Nnon_blocking_game3D | |
CNonBlockingGame3D | Brief This class provides the features necessary to implement simple non blocking games |
►Npage_rank_benchmark | |
CPageRankBenchmark | |
►Nparticle_system | |
CParticle_System | |
►Npolygon | |
CPolygon | |
►Npolyline | |
CPolyline | This class defines a polygon and is part of the symbol collection |
►Nprimitives | |
CPrimitives | |
►Nrectangle | |
CRectangle | This class defines a rectangle and is part of the symbol collection |
►Nscene | |
CScene | |
►Nshortest_path_benchmark | |
CShortestPathBenchmark | |
►Nsl_element | |
CSLelement | This class can be used to instantiate Singly Linked Elements |
CSLelementIterator | |
►Nsocket_connection | |
CSocketConnection | |
►Nsorting_benchmark | |
CSortingBenchmark | Benchmarks sorting algorithm |
►Nsymbol | |
CSymbol | This is the base class for constructing simple shapes in BRIDGES |
►Nsymbol_collection | |
CSymbolCollection | |
►Nsymbol_group | |
CSymbolGroup | |
►Ntext | |
CText | This is an object for defining text labels as part of the symbol collection |
►Ntree_element | |
CTreeElement | |
►Nus_map | |
CUSMap | |
►Nworld_map | |
CWorldMap | This class provides an API to displaying world maps in BRIDGES |