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Bridges(Python API)
▼Cabc.ABC | |
▼Cbridges.keypress_listener.KeyPressListener | |
Cbridges.blocking_game.BlockingGame | |
Cbridges.input_helper.InputHelper | This is meant to be an internal class, not something that the library user will use |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.actor_movie_imdb.ActorMovieIMDB | A class to hold actor movie data – using IMDB dataset |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.amenity.Amenity | This class is a helper class to be used with amenities data retrieved from OpenStreet Map data |
▼Cbridges.array.Array | This class can be used to create arrays of type Element |
Cbridges.array1d.Array1D | This is a class can be used to create 1 dimensional arrays of type Element |
Cbridges.array2d.Array2D | Brief This class can be used to create 2D arrays of type Element |
Cbridges.array3d.Array3D | This class can be used to create three dimensional arrays of type Element |
Cbridges.audio_channel.AudioChannel | |
Cbridges.audio_clip.AudioClip | This class provides support for reading, modifying, and playing, audio waveform |
Cbridges.bar_chart.BarChart | Support for drawing Bar charts |
Cbridges.bridges.Bridges | The bridges class is the main class that provides interfaces to datasets, maintains user and assignment information, and connects to the bridges server |
Cbridges.camera.Camera | |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.cancer_incidence.CancerIncidence | A class representing the attributes for cancer incidence |
Cbridges.circ_dl_element.CircDLelementIterator | |
Cbridges.circ_dl_element.CircDLelementReverseIterator | |
Cbridges.circ_sl_element.CircSlelementIterator | |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.city.City | Class that holds data of a city |
Cbridges.color.Color | This class is used to represent colors in bridges |
Cbridges.connector.Connector | This is a class for handling calls to the BRIDGES server to transmit JSON to the server and subsequent visualization |
Cbridges.dl_element.DLelementReverseIterator | |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.earthquake_usgs.EarthquakeUSGS | Class that holds earthquake data records |
Cbridges.edge.Edge | This class is used to represent the edges in a graph and will appear as links in the BRIDGES graph visualization |
▼Cbridges.element.Element | |
▼Cbridges.sl_element.SLelement | This class can be used to instantiate Singly Linked Elements |
Cbridges.circ_sl_element.CircSLelement | This class can be used to instantiate Singly Linked Circular List Elements |
▼Cbridges.dl_element.DLelement | This class is used to create doubly linked element objects |
Cbridges.circ_dl_element.CircDLelement | This class can be used to instantiate Circular Doubly Linked List Elements |
Cbridges.ml_element.MLelement | This class can be used to instantiate Multi-list Elements |
▼Cbridges.tree_element.TreeElement | |
▼Cbridges.bin_tree_element.BinTreeElement | This class is extended from the TreeElement class and can be used to create binary tree element objects |
▼Cbridges.bst_element.BSTElement | The BSTElement class is the building block for creating binary search trees |
Cbridges.avl_tree_element.AVLTreeElement | This class extends the BSTElement class by adding a height and balance factor fields that are useful in AVL trees |
Cbridges.kd_tree_element.KDTreeElement | |
Cbridges.element_visualizer.ElementVisualizer | |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.elevation.ElevationData | Class that holds elevation data |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.game.Game | A Game object, used along with the Games data source |
Cbridges.game_cell.GameCell | |
Cbridges.graph_adj_list.GraphAdjList | The GraphAdjList class can be used to represent adjacency list based graphs in BRIDGES |
Cbridges.graph_adj_matrix.GraphAdjMatrix | |
▼Cbridges.graph_benchmark.GraphBenchmark | |
Cbridges.bfs_benchmark.BFSBenchamrk | Benchmarks Breadth First Search algorithms |
Cbridges.page_rank_benchmark.PageRankBenchmark | |
Cbridges.shortest_path_benchmark.ShortestPathBenchmark | |
▼Cbridges.grid.Grid | This is a base class in BRIDGES for representing an (n x n) grid |
Cbridges.color_grid.ColorGrid | This is a class in BRIDGES for representing an (n x n) grid |
Cbridges.game_grid.GameGrid | This is a class in BRIDGES for representing an (m x n) grid |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.gutenberg_book.GutenbergBook | A Gutenberg Book object metadata only, used along with the books data source |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.gutenberg_meta.GutenbergMeta | Class to hold the meta data of various books from the Gutenberg Project |
Cbridges.input_state_machine.InputStateMachine | |
Cbridges.light.Light | |
Cbridges.line_chart.LineChart | Show series of data or functions using a line chart |
Cbridges.link_visualizer.LinkVisualizer | This class maintains the visual attributes of links that join bridges elements |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.lru_cache.lru_cache | |
▼Cbridges.map.Map | This is meant to be a base class for all map visualization |
Cbridges.us_map.USMap | |
Cbridges.world_map.WorldMap | This class provides an API to displaying world maps in BRIDGES |
Cbridges.mesh.Mesh | |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.movie_actor_wiki_data.MovieActorWikiData | This is a helper class for accessing actor-movie data from Wikidata |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.osm.OsmData | Class that hold Open Street Map Data |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.osm.OsmEdge | Class that hold Open Street Map edges |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.osm.OsmVertex | Class that hold Open Street Map vertices |
Cbridges.particle_system.Particle_System | |
Cbridges.primitives.Primitives | |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.reddit.Reddit | A reddit object representing a reddit post, used along with the reddit data source |
Cbridges.scene.Scene | |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.shakespeare.Shakespeare | A Shakespeare Data source object containing sonnets, poems and plays |
Cbridges.sl_element.SLelementIterator | |
Cbridges.socket_connection.SocketConnection | |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.song.Song | A Song object, used along with the Songs data source |
Cbridges.sorting_benchmark.SortingBenchmark | Benchmarks sorting algorithm |
▼Cbridges.symbol.Symbol | This is the base class for constructing simple shapes in BRIDGES |
Cbridges.circle.Circle | |
▼Cbridges.polyline.Polyline | This class defines a polygon and is part of the symbol collection |
Cbridges.polygon.Polygon | |
Cbridges.rectangle.Rectangle | This class defines a rectangle and is part of the symbol collection |
Cbridges.symbol_group.SymbolGroup | |
Cbridges.text.Text | This is an object for defining text labels as part of the symbol collection |
Cbridges.symbol_collection.SymbolCollection | |
Cbridges.mesh.Terrain_Mesh | |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.us_county.USCounty | Class that holds US County information |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.us_state.USState | Class for USState and its attributes |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.world_cities.WorldCities | |
▼CABC | |
▼Cbridges.gamebase3D.GameBase3D | This is the base class for all games in BRIDGES |
Cbridges.non_blocking_game3D.NonBlockingGame3D | Brief This class provides the features necessary to implement simple non blocking games |
▼Cbridges.gamebase.GameBase | This is the base class for all games in BRIDGES |
Cbridges.blocking_game.BlockingGame | |
Cbridges.non_blocking_game.NonBlockingGame | This class provides the features necessary to implement simple non blocking games |
▼CIntEnum | |
Cbridges.named_color.NamedColor | |
Cbridges.named_symbol.NamedSymbol |