►Cbridges.base.AbstrMap | |
Cbridges.base.USMap | This class provides an API to building, displaying and manipulating US maps and counties in BRIDGES |
Cbridges.base.WorldMap | This class provides an API to displaying world maps in BRIDGES |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.ActorMovieIMDB | This class represents an actor-movie pair object, to be used with the IMDB actor-movie dataset |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.ActorMovieWikidata | Represent Actor Movie relations extacted from Wikidata |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.Amenity | Class that hold individual Open Street Map Amenities |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.Assignment | Struct like class used to represent Bridges Assignments as they are returned from the server |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.AssignmentData | Struct like class used to represent Bridges Assignment Data as returned from the server |
Cbridges.base.AudioChannel | This class provides support for audio API in bridges; this class stores the properties and audio data of a single channel |
►Cbridges.benchmark.Benchmark | Base class for a variety of benchmarks |
►Cbridges.benchmark.GraphBenchmark | Base class for a variety of graph based benchmark |
Cbridges.benchmark.BFSBenchmark | Benchmarks Breadth First Search algorithms |
Cbridges.benchmark.PageRankBenchmark | Benchmarks Page Rank algorithms |
Cbridges.benchmark.ShortestPathBenchmark | Benchmarks Shortest Path algorithms |
Cbridges.benchmark.SortingBenchmark | Benchmarks sorting algorithm |
►Cbridges.benchmark.BenchmarkParams | |
Cbridges.benchmark.BFSParams | |
Cbridges.benchmark.PageRankParams | |
Cbridges.connect.Bridges | |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.CancerIncidence | United States Cancer Statistics from the U.S. Center for Disease Control |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.City | Class that holds data of a city |
Cbridges.base.Color | |
Cbridges.connect.Connector | |
Cbridges.games.InputStateMachine.CycleState | |
Cbridges.connect.DataSource | This class is the main BRIDGES class that facilitates access to external datasets |
►Cbridges.base.DataStruct | This is an abstract super class that is extended by all Bridges subclasses and provides some methods that are used universally across BRIDGES |
►Cbridges.base.Array< E > | This class can be used to create arrays of type Element<E> |
Cbridges.base.Array1D< E > | This is a class can be used to create 1 dimensional arrays of type Element<E> |
Cbridges.base.Array2D< E > | This class can be used to create arrays of type Element<E> |
Cbridges.base.Array3D< E > | This class can be used to create two dimensional arrays of type Element<E> |
Cbridges.base.AudioClip | This class provides support for reading, modifying, and playing, audio waveform |
Cbridges.base.BarChart | Support for drawing Bar charts |
►Cbridges.base.Element< E > | This is the main superclass in BRIDGES for deriving a number of objects used in building arrays, lists, trees and graph data structures |
►Cbridges.base.SLelement< E > | |
Cbridges.base.CircSLelement< E > | This class can be used to instantiate Singly Linked Circular List Elements |
►Cbridges.base.DLelement< E > | This class is used to create doubly linked element objects |
Cbridges.base.CircDLelement< E > | This class can be used to instantiate Circular Doubly Linked List Elements |
Cbridges.base.MLelement< E > | |
►Cbridges.base.TreeElement< E > | This class extends Element to represent general trees with arbitrary number of children |
►Cbridges.base.BinTreeElement< E > | |
►Cbridges.base.BSTElement< K, E > | The BSTElement class is the building block for creating binary search trees |
Cbridges.base.AVLTreeElement< K, E > | This class extends the BSTElement class by adding a height and balance factor fields that are useful in AVL tree implementations |
Cbridges.base.KdTreeElement< K, E > | This class can be used to create K-d Tree elements, derived from BSTElement. K-D trees can be thought of as the spatial equivalent of binary search trees and operate on multiple dimensions (2D and 3D are most common). These trees serve as a representation of the underlying geometrically defined spaces. Specialized versions of these trees include quadtrees and octrees, which subdivide into equal sized quadrants and octants at each level, respectively |
Cbridges.base.GraphAdjList< K, E1, E2 > | The GraphAdjList class can be used to represent adjacency list based graphs in BRIDGES |
Cbridges.base.GraphAdjMatrix< K, E1, E2 > | The GraphAdjMatrix class can be used to represent adjacency matrix based graphs in BRIDGES |
Cbridges.base.Grid< E > | This is a class in BRIDGES for representing an (m x n) grid |
Cbridges.base.LineChart | Enable plotting series of data or functions using a line chart |
Cbridges.base.SymbolCollection | SymbolCollection represents a collection of symbols to visualize in Bridges This class is a container for the different symbol types supported in BRIDGES |
Cbridges.base.USMap | This class provides an API to building, displaying and manipulating US maps and counties in BRIDGES |
Cbridges.base.WorldMap | This class provides an API to displaying world maps in BRIDGES |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.EarthquakeUSGS | This class stores the information of an earthquake, retrieved from US Geological Survey Data tweet source |
Cbridges.base.Edge< K, E2 > | This class is used to represent the edges in a graph and will appear as links in the BRIDGES graph visualization: GraphAdjList and GraphAdjMatrix |
Cbridges.base.ElementVisualizer | This class maintains the visual attributes of each BRIDGES element |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.ElevationData | Object that holds elevation data retrieved from NOAA repository |
Cbridges.games.InputStateMachine.FireState | |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.Game | A Game object, used along with the Games data source |
►Cbridges.games.GameBase | |
Cbridges.games.BlockingGame | |
Cbridges.games.NonBlockingGame | This class provides the features necessary to implement simple non blocking games |
Cbridges.base.GameCell | This class is used to represent cells in GameGrid in BRIDGES. It is part of the GameAPI. Each cell has a foreground color, background color, and a symbol shape |
Cbridges.base.GraphAdjList< Integer, bridges.data_src_dependent.OsmVertex, Double > | |
►Cbridges.base.GraphAdjList< K, K, K > | |
Cbridges.base.GraphAdjListSimple< K > | The GraphAdjListSimple class is a simplification of the GraphAdjList class; this class is useful in applications where vertex and edge specific information is not used; this class is thus a specialization of GraphAdjList with only a single generic parameter that specifies the key type |
Cbridges.base.GraphAdjList< String, String, String > | |
►Cbridges.base.GraphAdjMatrix< K, K, K > | |
Cbridges.base.GraphAdjMatrixSimple< K > | The GraphAdjMatrixSimple class is a simplification of the GraphAdjList class; this class is useful in applications where vertex and edge specific information is not used; this class is thus a specialization of GraphAdjList with only a single generic parameter that specifies the key type |
►Cbridges.base.Grid< Color > | |
Cbridges.base.ColorGrid | This is a class in BRIDGES for representing an image |
►Cbridges.base.Grid< GameCell > | |
Cbridges.base.GameGrid | This class in BRIDGES is part of the BRIDGS Game API. It is for representing an (m x n) game grid. Each position in the grid will hold a GameCell object, each of which has a foreground color, background color, and a symbol |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.GutenbergMeta | Stores the meta data of a book as stored by project Gutenberg |
Cbridges.games.InputStateMachine | |
►CIterable | |
Cbridges.base.Array1D< E > | This is a class can be used to create 1 dimensional arrays of type Element<E> |
Cbridges.base.CircDLelement< E > | This class can be used to instantiate Circular Doubly Linked List Elements |
Cbridges.base.CircSLelement< E > | This class can be used to instantiate Singly Linked Circular List Elements |
Cbridges.base.DLelement< E > | This class is used to create doubly linked element objects |
Cbridges.base.SLelement< E > | |
►Cbridges.connect.KeypressListener | This is an internal class to BRIDGES that is not intended to be seen by the end user |
Cbridges.games.BlockingGame | |
Cbridges.games.InputHelper | |
Cbridges.base.LinkVisualizer | This class maintains the visual attributes of links that join Bridges elements |
Cbridges.base.NamedColor | This enum is used to represent named, web-safe SVG colors in BRIDGES |
Cbridges.base.NamedSymbol | This enum is used to represent named symbols for use in BRIDGES GameGrids |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.OsmData | Class that hold Open Street Map vertices |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.OsmEdge | This is a class that defines an OpenStreet Map edge |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.OsmServerResponse | End user should not see that class |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.OsmServerResponseMeta | End user should not see that class |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.OsmVertex | This is a class that defines an OpenStreet Map node or vertex |
►COutputStream | |
Cbridges.validation.OutputLog | |
Cbridges.base.BarChart.Pair< K, V > | |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.Reddit | An object to represent a Reddit post, used along with the Reddit data source |
►CRuntimeException | |
Cbridges.validation.InvalidValueException | |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.Shakespeare | A Shakespeare Data source object containing sonnets, poems and plays |
Cbridges.benchmark.ShortestPathParams | |
Cbridges.connect.SocketConnection | This is an internal class to BRIDGES that is not intended to be seen by the end user |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.Song | A Song object, used along with the Songs data source (using the Genius API |
►Cbridges.base.Symbol | This is a class in BRIDGES for deriving a number of Symbol objects for use in a SymbolCollection |
Cbridges.base.Circle | This class defines a circle and is part of the bridges::base::SymbolCollection |
►Cbridges.base.Polyline | This class defines a polyline and is used as part of a SymbolCollection |
Cbridges.base.Polygon | This class defines a polygon and can be used as a part of a SymbolCollection |
Cbridges.base.Rectangle | This class defines a rectangle and is part of the bridges::base::SymbolCollection |
Cbridges.base.SymbolGroup | This class defines a group of Symbols and is part of the bridges::base::SymbolCollection |
Cbridges.base.Text | This class used to render text as part of a SymbolCollection |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.USCounty | Class that holds US County information |
Cbridges.data_src_dependent.USState | Class for USState and its attributes |
Cbridges.validation.Validation | |
►CException | |
Cbridges.validation.DataFormatterException | |
Cbridges.validation.RateLimitException | |
►CIterator | |
Cbridges.base.CircDLelement< E >.CircDLelementIterator< E > | Implements an iterator on the Circular doubly linked element for ease iterating over lists |
Cbridges.base.CircDLelement< E >.CircDLelementReverseIterator< E > | Implements a reverse iterator on the Circular doubly linked element for ease iterating over lists |
Cbridges.base.CircSLelement< E >.CircSLelementIterator | Implements an iterator on a CircSLelement for ease iterating over lists |
Cbridges.base.DLelement< E >.DLelementReverseIterator< E > | A reverse iterator for doubly linked list as a DLelement |
Cbridges.base.SLelement< E >.SLelementIterator | Implements an iterator singly linked list compatible with SLelement for ease iterating over lists |