Bridges-Java  3.4.4-dev2-4-g23cf54b
Bridges(Java API)
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 Cbridges.data_src_dependent.ActorMovieIMDBThis class represents an actor-movie pair object, to be used with the IMDB actor-movie dataset
 Cbridges.data_src_dependent.ActorMovieWikidataRepresent Actor Movie relations extacted from Wikidata
 Cbridges.data_src_dependent.AmenityClass that hold individual Open Street Map Amenities
 Cbridges.data_src_dependent.AssignmentStruct like class used to represent Bridges Assignments as they are returned from the server
 Cbridges.data_src_dependent.AssignmentDataStruct like class used to represent Bridges Assignment Data as returned from the server
 Cbridges.base.AudioChannelThis class provides support for audio API in bridges; this class stores the properties and audio data of a single channel
 Cbridges.benchmark.BenchmarkBase class for a variety of benchmarks
 Cbridges.data_src_dependent.CancerIncidenceUnited States Cancer Statistics from the U.S. Center for Disease Control
 Cbridges.data_src_dependent.CityClass that holds data of a city
 Cbridges.connect.DataSourceThis class is the main BRIDGES class that facilitates access to external datasets
 Cbridges.base.DataStructThis is an abstract super class that is extended by all Bridges subclasses and provides some methods that are used universally across BRIDGES
 Cbridges.data_src_dependent.EarthquakeUSGSThis class stores the information of an earthquake, retrieved from US Geological Survey Data tweet source
 Cbridges.base.Edge< K, E2 >This class is used to represent the edges in a graph and will appear as links in the BRIDGES graph visualization: GraphAdjList and GraphAdjMatrix
 Cbridges.base.ElementVisualizerThis class maintains the visual attributes of each BRIDGES element
 Cbridges.data_src_dependent.ElevationDataObject that holds elevation data retrieved from NOAA repository
 Cbridges.data_src_dependent.GameA Game object, used along with the Games data source
 Cbridges.base.GameCellThis class is used to represent cells in GameGrid in BRIDGES. It is part of the GameAPI. Each cell has a foreground color, background color, and a symbol shape
 Cbridges.base.GraphAdjList< Integer, bridges.data_src_dependent.OsmVertex, Double >
 Cbridges.base.GraphAdjList< K, K, K >
 Cbridges.base.GraphAdjList< String, String, String >
 Cbridges.base.GraphAdjMatrix< K, K, K >
 Cbridges.base.Grid< Color >
 Cbridges.base.Grid< GameCell >
 Cbridges.data_src_dependent.GutenbergMetaStores the meta data of a book as stored by project Gutenberg
 Cbridges.connect.KeypressListenerThis is an internal class to BRIDGES that is not intended to be seen by the end user
 Cbridges.base.LinkVisualizerThis class maintains the visual attributes of links that join Bridges elements
 Cbridges.base.NamedColorThis enum is used to represent named, web-safe SVG colors in BRIDGES
 Cbridges.base.NamedSymbolThis enum is used to represent named symbols for use in BRIDGES GameGrids
 Cbridges.data_src_dependent.OsmDataClass that hold Open Street Map vertices
 Cbridges.data_src_dependent.OsmEdgeThis is a class that defines an OpenStreet Map edge
 Cbridges.data_src_dependent.OsmServerResponseEnd user should not see that class
 Cbridges.data_src_dependent.OsmServerResponseMetaEnd user should not see that class
 Cbridges.data_src_dependent.OsmVertexThis is a class that defines an OpenStreet Map node or vertex
 Cbridges.base.BarChart.Pair< K, V >
 Cbridges.data_src_dependent.RedditAn object to represent a Reddit post, used along with the Reddit data source
 Cbridges.data_src_dependent.ShakespeareA Shakespeare Data source object containing sonnets, poems and plays
 Cbridges.connect.SocketConnectionThis is an internal class to BRIDGES that is not intended to be seen by the end user
 Cbridges.data_src_dependent.SongA Song object, used along with the Songs data source (using the Genius API
 Cbridges.base.SymbolThis is a class in BRIDGES for deriving a number of Symbol objects for use in a SymbolCollection
 Cbridges.data_src_dependent.USCountyClass that holds US County information
 Cbridges.data_src_dependent.USStateClass for USState and its attributes